Statistics redistricted to modern (2011) Local Authority Districts

This section holds statistics from the census which have been redistricted, using GIS-based techniques, from a variety of historical reporting geographies to the Local Authority Districts which were the primary reporting geography for the 2011 Census of Population. Where relevant, we have also attempted to standardise classifications and generally simplify comparisions over time. In general, each table held here is for one of the statistical themes used in the Vision of Britain system, covering all dates and the different parts of the UK.

Tables within section:

age_redistricted Raw Data Age/sex structure data from the Census of Population redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
edu_redistricted Derived Education statistics from various dates redistricted to 2011 local authorities.
hcond_redistricted Raw Data Housing Amenity and Tenure statistics from the Census redistricted into 2011 Local Authority Districts
hous_redistricted Derived Housing Density Statistics from the Census redistricted into 2011 Local Authority Districts
ind_redistricted Derived Industrial structure data from various dates reclassified to SIC2007 and redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
ind_redistricted_anal Derived Long-run industrial structure data, simplified but with additional classification of areas
ind_redistricted_div Derived Industry data 1841-1991 reclassified to SIC2007 Divisions and redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
rel_redistricted Raw Data Data on religion redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
soc_redistricted Derived Occupation or Social Class data from various dates organised into Social Classes for 2011 Local Authority Districts
vital_redistricted Derived Births and deaths data from various dates organised into 2011 Local Authority Districts
work_redistricted Derived Data on employment and unemployment from multipled years redistricted to 2011 geography