Trade Union Statistics

For further details of these sources, see H.R. Southall, "Regional Unemployment Patterns in Britain, 1851-1914: a study of the 'Trade Union Percentages', with special reference to engineering Workers", unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge, 1984, and H.R. Southall, D.M. Gilbert and C. Bryce, Nineteenth Century Trade Union Records: an introduction and select guide (Historical Geography Research Group, Edinburgh, 1994). The broader history of trade union welfare benefits, from which these sources derive, is discussed in H.R. Southall, 'Ni etat ni marche: Les premieres prestations sociales en Grande-Bretagne' ('Neither state nor market: early welfare benefits in Britain'), Geneses: sciences sociales et histoire (1995), pp.6-29.

Analyses of regional unemployment patterns derived from these data have been published as: H.R. Southall, 'Regional Unemployment Patterns among Skilled Engineers, 1851-1914', Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 12, (1986), pp. 268-286; H.R. Southall, 'The Origins of the Depressed Areas: Unemployment, Growth, and Regional Economic Structure in Britain before 1914', Economic History Review, 2nd series, Vol. 41 (1988), pp. 236-258.

Tables within section:

ase_admit Raw Data Amalgamated Engineers' branch-level admission Statistics.
ase_fin Raw Data Amalgamated Engineers' Aggregate Financial Statistics.
ase_gaz70 Gazetteer Amalgamated Engineers' Branch Gazetteer, optimised for 1871.
ase_mem Raw Data Amalgamated Engineers' branch-level membership statistics.
ase_mr Raw Data Amalgamated Engineers' Branch-level Benefit Statistics.
ase_mr_95_96 Raw Data Amalgamated Engineers' Branch-level Benefit Statistics for 1895-6.
boilermakers_mr Raw Data Data from the Monthly Reports of the United Society of Boilermakers
cj_mr Raw Data Amal. Carpenters and Joiners' Branch-level Monthly Return Data.
dg_gaz Gazetteer The GBH GIS project's oldest gazetteer, mainly for use with trade union data: USE WITH CARE
unem_plaw_ts Raw Data Monthly total unemployment and poor law time series 1851-1914