Parish level statistics and polygons for England and Wales taken from the 1831 census.

Table ID:
PAR_1831_EW_POLYGONS     (1252248)
Parish level statistics and polygons for England and Wales taken from the 1831 census.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
Reporting units are identified by:
   Ancient County
   Ancient district: Hundreds, etc.
   Type of Ancient District
   Ancient Parish
   Parish- or sub-Parish-level Unit
The data are for the single year 1831.


  1. The data originally appeared as the main tabulation in each of the county sections in the two volumes of the 1831 Enumeration Abstract.


  1. This table is created by copying the par_1831_ew table within the database, but sums figures to obtain totals for ancient parishes.
  2. This version of the 1831 census table is considered temporary. It includes all of England and Wales although a few places have none matches due to borough and ExP listings rather than parishes. It also includes polygon columns, which contain polygons relating to 1831 anicent parishes. The script creating this table does ad-hoc temporary changes to enable the two datasets to match within this table. It does not change any of the data permanently.


  1. No additional checking done.


We are extremely grateful to the following:

  1. David Allan Gatley: Dr. Gatley supplied this transcription to the database.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
par_1831_ew_polygons_pkey Primary key rec_num
par_1831_ew_polygons_gunit_idx Unique par_unit, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

par_1831_ew_polygons_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

anc_cnty Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the ancient county for which this row of data was listed.
anc_cdiv Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the division of ancient county. This is used only to identify the Yorkshire Ridings.
anc_dist Text string (max.len.=84). Standardised name of the ancient district.
anc_type Text string (max.len.=34). Standardised type of the ancient district.
anc_par Text string (max.len.=104). Standardised name of the ancient parish.
area Floating point number. Area of the 'place', in 'Statute Acres'. NB in some cases the acreages of smaller units were combined.
inh_1831 int8 Houses: Inhabited.
fam_tot int8 Houses: Families.
bih_1831 int8 Houses: Building.
unh_1831 int8 Houses: Uninhabited.
fam_ag int8 Occupations: Families chiefly employed in Agriculture.
fam_trade int8 Occupations: Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, and Handicraft.
fam_other int8 Occupations: All other Families not comprised in the two preceding Classes.
ma_1831 int8 Persons: Males.
fe_1831 int8 Persons: Females.
pop_1831 int8 Persons: Total of Persons.
em_tot int8 Persons: Males Twenty Years of Age.
em_ag_empl int8 Agriculture: Occupiers employing Labourers.
em_ag_noemp int8 Agriculture: Occupiers not employing Labourers.
em_ag_lab int8 Agriculture: Labourers employed in Agriculture.
em_manuf int8 Employed in Manufacture, or in making Manufacturing Machinery.
em_trade int8 Employed in Retail Trade, or in Handicrafts as Masters or Workmen.
em_prof int8 Capitalists, Bankers, Professional and other Educated Men.
em_lab int8 Labourers employed in Labour not Agricultural.
em_other int8 Other Males 20 Years of Age (except Servants).
em_serv int8 Male Servants: 20 Years of Age.
boy_serv int8 Male Servants: Under 20 Years.
fem_serv int8 Female Servants.
nation_unit Integer number. ID number for the Nation (i.e. England or Wales) covering this row of the data, as defined in the GBH Administrative Unit Ontology. Derived from Ancient County.
cnty_unit Integer number. ID number for the Ancient County as defined in the GBH Administrative Unit Ontology.
dist_unit Integer number. ID number for the Ancient District covering this row of the data, as defined in the GBH Administrative Unit Ontology.
par_unit Integer number. ID number for the Ancient Parish covering this row of the data, as defined in the GBH Administrative Unit Ontology.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number to keep rows in their original order, added on loading the data into GBHDB.
g_foot_gb geometry Polygon in OSGB co-ordinates.