Gazetteer locating all places listed in the 'lui' and unem_1945_1974 tables

Table ID:
ULM_GAZ     (1253306)
Gazetteer locating all places listed in the 'lui' and unem_1945_1974 tables
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall


  1. This table is an enhanced version of the lui_gaz table, which provides locational information for places listed in the 'lui' table, including all places listed there of type 'E'. It was originally created largely automatically using the 'places', 'counties' and 'alt_name' tables, but conversion from pl_name to place was partly manual.
  2. It was substantially extended in May 2009, to link to the HGIS database and to also include places listed in the later unem_1945_1974 table. One aim was to use this table to define an initial set of URBAN_LAB_MARKET units in the HGIS system.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ulm_gaz_hgis_idx   g_name, g_container
ulm_gaz_lui_idx Unique x_place, x_container, source, old_seq

Columns within table:

source Text string (max.len.=12). Source of the names held in x_container and x_place: either 'LUI' or 'LabGaz'.
nation Text string (max.len.=20). Nation containing the place: ENGLAND, SCOTLAND or WALES ('NORTHERN IRELAND' also appears here, but only for Belfast and Londonderry and they are not provided with grid references, etc).
x_container Text string (max.len.=40). Either the name of a county as it appears in the lui table, or the name or letter code for a region as it appears in the unem_1945_1974 table..
x_place Text string (max.len.=84). Name of the area as it appears in the source table. This set of names was originally created by querying the source tables for all unique combinations of a place/area name and a container.
first_use Integer number. Year in which this value of x_place first appeared. This is currently populated only for rows derived from unem_1945_1974.
g_name Text string (max.len.=44). Standardised version of the place-name, used for matching to the AUO. Initial values were copied from x_place. Names containing 'AND' were replaced by a single place-name, in almost all cases the first name mentioned (the exception being 'DEVONPORT AND PLYMOUTH', which was standardised to 'PLYMOUTH').
match_name Text string (max.len.=40). This column holds a variant of g_name designed to match an urban local government district or, failing that, a civil parish name in HGIS; or, failing that, a place in the places_2009 table. NB most rows are empty.
g_container Text string (max.len.=40). Name of the Administrative or Scottish County containing the place, and used for matching to the AUO.. For entries derived from the LUI, this is usually a copy of x_container but a substantial number in Lincolnshire, Suffolk, Sussex etc have been modified so that these names correctly match counties. For entries derived from the 1945-74 data, where x_container usually holds a region, the county held in g_container has been added manually.
division Text string (max.len.=40). Name of division as it appears in the un_1928 and un_1933 tables.
gis_name Text string (max.len.=40). Name uniquely identifying the place within the GIS. Generally identical to 'place', but with county given in brackets for six locations whose names would otherwise not be unique.
gr_east Integer number. Easting part of grid reference. NB the original version of lui_gaz used a modified system designed to cover Ireland, but the current version uses the usual National Grid origin.
gr_north Integer number. Northing part of grid reference.
old_seq Integer number. Sequence number recording the original order of these records as originally constructed by make_ulm_gaz.sql. This column is null for places sourced from unem_1945_1974.
g_unit Integer number. ID number for the area, as defined in the GBHGIS AUO. Units are of type 'URBAN_LAB_MKT'.