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Acknowledgment of assistance rendered by Public Departments, &c.

We have in concluding to tender our acknowledgments to His Royal Highness the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, for special Census Returns relating to the Army; the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, for special Census Returns relating to the Navy and Marines; the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, for obtaining Returns of British Subjects in Foreign States; the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for Returns relating to Population of British Colonies; the Secretary of State for India in Council, for Returns of British Population in India, and for results of general Census in India; the Lieutenant Governors for their enumeration of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands; the Honourable Board of Customs, for assistance in enumerating the Merchant Seamen in Home Ports; the Registrar 6-eneral of Shipping and Seamen, for Returns of Merchant Seamen abroad; Major-General Sir Henry James, R.E., Director-General of Ordnance Survey Department, and Colonel Bayly, R.E., of the Boundary Branch, for Areas, Maps, and Boundaries; Lieut-Colonel Henderson, C.B., Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, and to Colonel Fraser, Commissioner of the City Police, for aid rendered to enumerators; the Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, for special Returns of the Members of those Universities; Clerks of the Peace and Chief Constables; Cinque Ports authorities; Municipal Authorities, and Local Board and Improvement Commissioners; the Clergy of all Denominations; and to the Press, for the publicity given to the objects of the Census, and for its general support.

The Census Office staff

As the English Census is only taken every ten years, and a great number of clerks unversed in statistics have to be employed on analytical processes of considerable nicety, it would have been impossible for us to get the work done satisfactorily had it not been for the assistance and facilities we derived from an excellent staff, drafted for the occasion, from the General Register Office. We cannot name all who have aided in the work, but it is our duty to mention especially the valuable services of Mr. P. J. Williams, the Chief Clerk of the Census Office, of Mr. Bacon, who had experience in two previous Censuses, Mr. John Hancock, Mr. Horton, Mr. William Hancock, Mr. J. Lewis, and Mr. J. W. Maunders. Mr. Horton drew up the clear account of the territorial divisions of the United Kingdom in the Appendix C. Mr. James Lewis assisted in the revision of the classification of occupations, and we entrusted him with the supervision of the Tables of this Report. The accounts were kept by Mr. Oakes in the most satisfactory manner.

We have the honour to be,
Your obedient and faithful Servants,

Registrar General.




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