Full Title:
Isle of Man
Year of Publication:

Tables in the main report

Table No: Title Page(s)
1 Population, 1821-1921, and intercensal variations 1
2 Population, 1901-1921, Separate Occupiers, 1911 and 1921, Visitors, 1921, and Acreage 1
2A Population, 1901-1921, Separate Occupiers, 1911 and 1921, and Visitors, 1921 2
3 Population, 1911 and 1921, and Visitors, 1921 3
4 Institutions 4
5 Births and Deaths, 1911-1920 4
6 Private Families and Rooms Occupied 5
7 Ages (Individual Years) 7
8 Ages (Quinquennial Groups) and Marital Conditions 8
9 Ages (Quinquennial Groups) and Marital Conditions 8
10 Education 9
11 Occupations 10
12 Occupations (Condensed list) by Marital Condition, Industrial Status and 12 Age Groups 18
13 Birthplaces 19
14 Foreign Born Population by Country of Birth and Nationality 20
15 Orphanhood of Children under 15, in Age Groups 20
16 Language (English and Manx) at certain Age Groups 21