Full Title:
Population of Ecclesiastical Areas (England) (Laid before Parliament pursuant to Section 4 (1), Census Act, 1920)
Short Title:
Population of Ecclesiastical Areas (England)
Year of Publication:

Tables in the main report

Table No: ThemeGeography Page(s)
1 Population, 1911, 1921, 1931 and 1951 and Intercensal Increase E (as defined for Church purposes) 2
2 Number of Parishes (or Districts) and of Extra-Parochial Places; Population 1931 and 1951 Ecclesiastical Provinces and Dioceses 3
3 Constitution by Administrative Counties and County Boroughs Dioceses 4
4 Ecclesiastical Parishes or Districts Classified According to Population, 1951 Dioceses 6
5I Ecclesiastical Parishes or Districts; Population 1931 and 1951 Provinces of Canterbury 8
5II Ecclesiastical Parishes or Districts; Population 1931 and 1951 Provinces of York 139