Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Delting

Delting, a parish in the Mainland of Shetland, including the islands of Bigga, Fishholm, Brother Isle, Little Roe, and Muckle Roe, only the last of which is inhabited. It is bounded N by Yell Sound, separating it from Yell; E by Lunnasting and Nesting; S by Weesdale and Sandsting; and W by St Magnus Bay and Sulem Voe. Joined to Northmaven by a narrow neck of land, less than 100 feet broad, that separates the German from the Atlantic Ocean, it has an utmost length of 20 miles, and varies in breadth from 3 to 6 miles, being much intersected by voes or arms of the sea. The surface is, for the most part, hilly, bleak, and barren; but along the banks of the voes and in the valleys are patches of good arable land. The chief harbours are St Magnus Bay, Sulem Voe, Olnafirth Voe, Busta Voe, and Goufirth Voe. In the island of Muckle Roe there is some fine rock scenery; and the sea washes into several large caves-the haunts of numerous wild birds. There are remains of an ancient artificial harbour at Burravoe, and some vestiges of a Pictish house at Brough, on Yell Sound. Fully one-half of the parish belongs to the estate of the Giffords of Busta. The next largest proprietor is Major Cameron of Garth. The other properties are small. The principal residences are Busta, Garth, Udhouse, Mossbank, and Voe. There are large stores and fish-curing establishments at Voe, Brae, and Mossbank. Delting is in the presbytery of Olnafirth and synod of Shetland; the stipend is £150, with 9 merks of glebe and a good manse. There are two parish churches, distant about 10 miles from one another, viz., Scatsta, built in 1811, and Olnafirth in 1868. There are also a Free church at Brae and a U.P. church at Mossbank; and the six schools of Brae, Goufirth, Firth, Muckle Roe, Olnafirth, and Mossbank, with total accommodation for 254 children, had (1880) an average attendance of 164, and grants amounting to £201,14s. Valuation (1882) £2361,12s. 8d. Pop. (1801) 1449, (1831) 2070, (1861) 1975, (1871) 1862, (1881) 1654.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Delting ScoP       Shetland ScoCnty
Place: Delting

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