Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Fendoch

Fendoch, an ancient camp in Monzie parish, Perthshire, on the high ground at the lower end of the Sma' Glen or deep narrow defile of Glenalmond, 9 furlongs W by N of Buchanty, and 3 miles NE of Monzie church. Overlooked by a native strength upon Dunmore, it is traditionally called the Roman Camp, and may be truly regarded as the work of the Roman legions under -Agricola or one of his successors. It measures 180 paces in length by 80 in breadth, and is alleged to have had accommodation for 12, 000 men; it was defended on two sides by water, on the other side by morass and precipice; and it continued till about the beginning of the present century to retain considerable portions of both rampart and fosse, but has subsequently been greatly levelled by tillage and road-making operations. A moor immediately E of it was, till a recent period, dotted with cairns over an extent of several acres,-several of the cairns measuring from 10 to 14 paces in diameter; and it is thought, from the number and size of these cairns, and from human remains having been found beneath them, to have been the scene of some great ancient battle.—Ord. Sur., sh. 47, 1869.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "an ancient camp"   (ADL Feature Type: "historical sites")
Administrative units: Logiealmond ScoP       Perthshire ScoCnty

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