Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Crosby, or Great Crosby

Crosby.-- or Great Crosby, coast town and township with ry. sta. (Croaby), Sefton par., SW. Lancashire, 6½ miles NW. of Liverpool and 208 miles NW. of London -- township, 2168 ac. and 1700 foreshore, pop. 9373; town, pop. 5033; P.O., T.O., called Great C. C., situated near C. Point, at the mouth of the Mersey, is a bathing-place. In vicinity is C. Hall, seat of the Blundell family, who have held the manor for upwards of seven centuries. C. Channel, between Jordan Bank and Great Burba Bank, is 7 miles long, and forms the chief entrance to the Mersey. N. of C. Point is a lighthouse, with fixed light (Crosby) 95 ft. above high-water and seen 12 m., and in C. Channel is a light-vessel, with fixed light (Crosby) seen 8 miles.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "coastal town and township with railway station"   (ADL Feature Type: "cities")
Administrative units: Sefton CP/AP       Lancashire AncC
Place names: CROSBY     |     CROSBY OR GREAT CROSBY     |     GREAT CROSBY
Place: Great Crosby

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