Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Kincardineshire (or Mearns)

Kincardineshire (or Mearns), maritime co. in NE. of Scotland; is bounded NW. and N. by Aberdeenshire, E. by the North Sea, and SW. by Forfarshire; greatest length, N. and S., 25 miles; greatest breadth, E. and W., 22 miles; coast-line, from the mouth of the North Esk to the mouth of the Dee, 31 miles; 245,346 ac., pop. 34,464. The coast is, in general, bold and rocky, but its indentations form fine natural harbours for numerous fishing villages. In the NW. the co. is occupied by the Grampian Mountains, which reach in Mount Battock an alt. of 2558 ft.; towards the N. it slopes into the valley of the Dee, and towards the S. into the Howe of the Mearns, a part of the great valley of Strathmore. The mountainous region is occupied chiefly by deer forests and grouse moors; the valley of the Dee and the Howe of the Mearns are both productive, but the most fertile part of the co. is that along the sea coast. (For agricultural statistics, see Appendix.) There are no minerals of commercial importance, and the mfrs. are confined to some woollen and linen weaving. Fishing - including salmon fishing, both on the coast and on the rivers - is actively prosecuted, and there is some shipping at Stonehaven. The co. comprises 17 pars. and 4 parts, the parl. and royal burgh of Inverbervie (Montrose Burghs), the seaport of Stonehaven, and the vils. of Auchinblae, Banchory, Cove, Fettercairn, Johnshaven, Laurencekirk, &c. The co. returns 1 member to Parliament.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "maritime county"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 2nd order divisions")
Administrative units: Kincardineshire ScoCnty
Place: Kincardineshire

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