Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Mayo

Mayo, a maritime co. of Connaught province, bounded W. and N. by the Atlantic Ocean, NE. by co. Sligo, E. by co. Roscommon, and S. by co. Galway; greatest length, NW. and SE., 65 miles; greatest breadth, NE. and SW., 52 miles; average breadth, 34 miles; coast-line, about 200 miles; area, 1,360,731 ac. (56,935 water), or 6.5 per cent, of the total area of Ireland; pop. 245,212, of whom 9771 per cent, are Roman Catholics, 273 Protestant Episcopalians, 074 Presbyterians, and 071 Methodists. Along the coast, which is bold and rugged, are Clew Bay, Blacksod Bay, Broad Haven, and Killala Bay; and the promontories of Achill Head, Erris Head, Benwee Head, and Downpatrick Head. Among the islands, which are numerous, the largest are Achill, Clare, Inishturk, and Irishkea. The irregular peninsula of Belmullet, on the NW., projects between Broad Haven and Blacksod Bay. Much of the surface is of a wild and mountainous character, especially in the western districts, where the summits range from 1000 to 2640 ft. The valley of the Moy and the country E. of Castlebar consist of low-lying land well suited for pasture or tillage. (For agricultural statistics, see Appendix.) The mountains are chiefly of quartz and mica slate, and mountain limestone or limestone gravel is prevalent in other parts. Black marble is found in the SW., and iron ore occurs at various places. The principal river is the Moy, but mountain streams are numerous. The largest loughs are Conn, Carra, Carrowmore, and Feeagh, while Loughs Mask and Corrib are on the S. border. Agriculture - grazing rather than tillage - gives the chief employment. The fisheries along the coast and the salmon fishery in the Moy are very productive. The co. comprises 9 bars.- Burrishoole, Carra, Clanmorris, Costello, Erris, Gallen, Kilmaine, Murrisk, and Tirawley; 73 pars.; and the towns of Ballina, Westport, Castlebar (the co. town), Ballinrobe, Swineford, and Claremorris. For parliamentary purposes the county is divided into 4 divisions - viz., North Mayo, West Mayo, East Mayo, and South Mayo, each returning 1 member; the representation of Mayo was increased from 2 to 4 members in 1885.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a maritime county"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 2nd order divisions")
Administrative units: Mayo IrlC
Place: County Mayo

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