Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Queenstown

Queenstown, seaport and market town, and township with ry. sta., Clonmel and Templerobin pars., SE. co. Cork, on S. side of Great Island, in Cork Harbour, 13 miles SE. of Cork and 177 miles SW. of Dublin by rail, and 284 miles SW. of Liverpool by sea, 535 ac., pop. 9755, 2 Banks. Market, Daily. Queenstown was formerly called Cove of Cork, and received its present name in honour of Queen Victoria's visit in 1849. The town is finely stuated on the side of a hill, is well and regularly built, and has greatly increased in population and importance during the last fifty years. The harbour, which is well sheltered, and large enough to accommodate the whole British navy, is protected by a battery on Spike Island, and defended at the entrance by the Carlisle and Camden forts. (See CORK HARBOUR.) Queenstown is the port for the embarkation of troops to Canada, &c., and for the transmission of American mails; it is also the southern station for emigration. The scenery, the fine climate, and the bathing attract many visitors, and a great number of the merchants of the city of Cork have seats along the banks on each side of the harbour.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "seaport and market town"   (ADL Feature Type: "harbors")
Administrative units: Cork IrlC
Place names: COVE OF CORK     |     QUEENSTOWN
Place: Cobh

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