Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for DUNBOYNE

DUNBOYNE, a parish and village, (formerly an incorporated town), in the barony of DUNBOYNE, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, on the road from Dublin to Navan; containing, with the post-town of Clonee, 2419 inhabitants, of which number, 470 are in the village. This place, which is on the confines of the county of Dublin, appears to have been an ancient borough. In the reign of Henry VI., a writ was issued, dated July 28th, 1423, ordering "the Provost and Commonalty of the town of Dunboyne to be at Trim with all their power for its defence." The town was burnt down in the disturbances of 1798; the present village contains 82 houses. The manufacture of straw hats is carried on here, and in the neighbourhood; and a fair, chiefly for horses and cattle, is held on July 9th, and is much frequented by the Dublin dealers. The parish is principally grazing land; there are about 50 acres of common, and a bog of about 40 acres, called the " Moor of Meath." The gentlemen's seats are Wood Park, that of the Rev. J. Auchinleck; Roosk, of — Wilson, Esq.; Ballymacall, of H. Hamilton, Esq.; Hammond, of C. Hamilton, Esq.; Court Hill, of H. Greene, Esq.; Sterling, of 11. Barker, Esq.; Norman's Grove, of J. Shanley, Esq.; and Priestown, of the Rev. J. Butler. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Meath, united in 1400 to the chapelry of Kilbride, and in the patronage of the Crown; the rectory is impropriate in Miss E. Hamilton. The tithes amount to £835. 7. 8., of which £535. 7. 8. is payable to the impropriator and £300 to the vicar; and the tithes of the union to £347. 19. The glebe-house was built by aid of a gift of £300, and a loan of £500 from the late Board of First Fruits, in 1.814; the glebe comprises three acres, subject to a rent of £3 per acre. The church is an ancient edifice, for the repair of which the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have recently granted £159. The R. C. union is co-extensive with that of the Established Church, and in each parish is a chapel. About 40 children are taught in the public schools of the parish; and there are two private schools, in which are about 120 children. A dispensary is supported in the village, and adjoining it are some remains of an ancient castle, which gives the title of Baron of Dunboyne to the family of Butler.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish and village, (formerly an incorporated town)"   (ADL Feature Type: "populated places")
Administrative units: Dunboyne IrlBarony       Meath IrlC
Place: Dunboyne

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