Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for ROUNDWOOD, or TOGHER

ROUNDWOOD, or TOGHER, a village, in the parish of DERRALOSSORY, barony of BALLINACOR, county of WICKLOW, and province of LEINSTER, 4 ½ miles (W. S. W.) from Newtown-Mount-Kennedy, on the road from Dublin to the Seven Churches: the population is returned with the parish. The extensive tract of table land on which this place is situated is watered by the river Vartrey, a fine trout stream, and is separated from Lough Dan only by the mountains of Carrigroe and Slieve Buck. From a projecting point of Slieve Buck the lake is seen in its full extent of about 160 plantation acres, supplied by a stream from Mount Tay, and another from the mountains to the west. The lake forms a graceful curve in the centre of a wildly romantic district; the lofty mountains which rise precipitously from its waters enwrap it in continual gloom, and add much to the striking solemnity of its appearance. Bog trout, grey trout, and char are found in abundance; in winter its waters overspread the low lands in the neighbourhood, and on returning to their bed leave large trunks of oak trees exposed on the surface of the land. Lead ore is found on the shores of the lake, and mines were formerly worked there. The village contains 19 houses, which are neatly built, and from its central situation it is much frequented by strangers and visitors from Dublin, for its beautiful mountain scenery, and its proximity to Lough Dan, Glendalough, and Luggelaw, which last is described under the, head of Calary. A little above it is Roundwood Park, the pleasant residence of J. Gower, Esq., the grounds of which are tastefully laid out and planted; and near the shore of Lough Dan is Lake Park, the residence of G. Macklin, Esq., which with others is more particularly noticed in the article on Derralossory. There are a good inn in the village and some smaller houses for the accommodation of visitors. Fairs are held on Jan. 3rd for cattle, March 8th for frieze, March 14th for cattle, May 19th, July 26th, Aug. 1st, and Sept. 5th and 19th, for frieze. A constabulary police force is stationed here; there is a neat R. C. chapel belonging to the union of Glendalough, and a school supported by subscription.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a village"   (ADL Feature Type: "populated places")
Administrative units: Ballinacor IrlBarony       Wicklow IrlC
Place names: ROUNDWOOD     |     ROUNDWOOD OR TOGHER     |     TOGHER
Place: Roundwood

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