Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Baldoon Castle

Baldoon Castle, the corner of one crumbling tower, with a few yards of ivy-clad wall, in Kirkinner parish, Wigtownshire, 3 furlongs from the S bank of Bladenoch river, and 1¾ mile SSW of Wigtown. Hence Scott derived the ground-plot of the Bride of -Lammermoor, for here, according to its Introduction and to Chambers' Domestic Annals (ii. 326-328), the final act of the real tragedy was played in August 1669, with Janet Dalrymple, Lord Stair's daughter, for 'Lucy,' David Dunbar of Baldoon for ` Bucklaw, ' Lord Rutherford for 'Ravenswood,' and so forth. But antiquaries now reject the ` bonny bridegroom ' version of the story, conceding only that the bride died broken-hearted just a month after her bridal in Glenluce kirk. David Dunbar is described as an agricultural improver; and at the present day the Baldoon Mains are famous for their dairy-farms. Eastward in Wigtown Bay are the Baldoon Sands, from 1½ to 2 miles broad at low-water; and northward is Baldoon Quay, a small proprietorial harbour on the Bladenoch. See J. G. Murray's Stair Annals (1875), and Trans. Highl. and Ag. Soc., 1875, pp. 53-60.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "the corner of one crumbling tower, with a few yards of ivy-clad wall"   (ADL Feature Type: "historical sites")
Administrative units: Kirkinner ScoP       Wigtownshire ScoCnty

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