Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for RADFORD

RADFORD, a suburban town, a parish, a sub-district, and a district in Notts. The town is suburban to Nottingham; lies on the river Leen and on the Nottingham and Mansfield railway, 1½ mile W N W of the centre of Nottingham; consists of two parts, called Old R. and New R.; increased its population nearly sixfold between 1801 and 1861; shares largely in the manufactures of Nottingham, chiefly lace and stockings; and has a post-office under Nottingham, a railway-station, two churches, six dissenting chapels, a national school, a workhouse, and charities £12. St. Peter's church was rebuilt in 181 2; and is a neat Gothic edifice, with a tower. Christchurch was built in 1845, and is in New Rad ford. The parish includes Kensington, New Coleorton, and part of Hyson-Green, and comprises 1,000 acres. Real property, £27, 659. Pop. in 1851, 12, 637; in 1861, 13, 495. Houses, 2, 858. The manor belongs to J. S. Gregory, Esq. Gas-works were erected in 1844; and coal ismined. The living of St. Peter is a vicarage, and that of Christchurch is a p. curacy, in the diocese of Lincoln. Value of the former, £293; * of the latter, £300. Patron of the former, the Lord Chancellor; of the latter, alternately the Crown and the Bishop. The sub-district comprises the parts of Rad ford and Lenton parishes N of the road from Nottingham to Ilkeston and S W of the road to Alfreton. Pop. in 1851, 8, 888; in 1861, 10, 192. Houses, 2, 162. The districtcomprehends also the sub-district of Lenton, containing the parts of Rad ford and Lenton parishes S of the Nottingham and Ilkeston road, together with the extra-parochial tract of Brewhouse-Yard; the sub-district of Hyson-Green, containing the rest of Radford and Lenton parishes; and the sub-district of Snenton, conterminate with Snenton parish. Acres of the district, 6, 800. Poor-rates in 1863, £9, 211. Pop. in 1851, 26, 776; in 1861, 30, 479. Houses, 6, 366. Marriages in 1863, 229; births, 1,055, of which 80 were illegitimate; deaths, 686, of which. 355 were at ages under 5 years, and 11 at ages above 85. Marriages in the ten years 1851-60, 2, 802; births, 11, 281; deaths, 7, 241. The places of worship, in 1851, were 4 of the Church of England, with 2, 801sittings; 3 of Independents, with 422 s.; 2 of Baptists, with 410 s.; 5 of Wesleyans, with 1, 400 s.; 3 of New Connexion Methodists, with 802 s.; 2 of Primitive Methodists with 393 s.: 1 of the Wesleyan Association, with 140 s.; and 1 of Latter Day Saints with 300 s. The schools were 6 public day schools, with 831 scholars; 43private day schools, with 1,097 s.; and 17 Sunday schools, with 2, 799 s.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a suburban town, a parish, a sub-district, and a district"   (ADL Feature Type: "cities")
Administrative units: Radford CP/AP       Nottingham North West SubD       Radford PLU/RegD       Nottinghamshire AncC
Place: Radford

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