Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for ALFRED'S TOWER

ALFRED'S TOWER, a monumental edifice in Stourhead Park, on the confines of Wilts and Somerset, 5 miles NNE of Wincanton. It stands on Kingsettle hill, 800 feet high, 3 miles WNW of Stourhead House, and commands an extensive view over the circumjacent counties. It is a triangular structure of red brick, 150 feet high, with turrets at the corners, and surmounted by a colossal statue of Alfred the Great. It was built by the proprietor of the park, Henry Hoare, Esq., to commemorate the achievements of Alfred; and it bears an appropriate inscription. Alfred, on issuing from his retreat in the Isle of Athelney, fixed his standard here against the Danish invaders. Hence the name King settle given to the hill. A huge mound, called Jack's Castle, occurs a mile S of the tower, and was long believed to have been formed for beacon fires, but is now known to have been sepulchral. See Stourton.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a monumental edifice"   (ADL Feature Type: "monuments")
Administrative units: Somerset AncC       Wiltshire AncC

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