Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for NOSELEY, or Gnossall

NOSELEY, or Gnossall, an extra-parochial tract in Billesdon district, Leicester; on an affluent of the river Welland, 3 miles S E of Billesdon. Acres, 880. Real property, £2, 603. Pop., 48. Houses, 6. The property belonged anciently to the Blackets; passed to the Mortevalles and others; has belonged, for several centuries, to the Hazleriggs; and belongs now to Sir Arthur G. Hazlerigg, Bart. Noseley Hall is Sir Arthur's seat; is a fine old mansion; and contains a valuable collection of portraits and paintings. An ancient church stands near the hall; was made collegiate, in 1274, by Anketine de Mortevalle; comprises nave and chancel, nearly covered with ivy; contains an old carved font, piscinæ, sedilia, and effigies of the Hazleriggs; and is served by a minister, appointed by Sir A. Hazlerigg.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "an extra-parochial tract"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Billesdon RegD/PLU       Leicestershire AncC
Place names: GNOSSALL     |     NOSELEY     |     NOSELEY OR GNOSSALL
Place: Noseley

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