Age/sex structure data for Local authority wards in 1971.

Table ID:
AGE_WARDS_GB     (1246677)
Age/sex structure data for Local authority wards in 1971.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
   (Electoral) Ward
The data are for the single year 1971.
Dates and times are identified by:


  1. These data were supplied by Danny Dorling and are based on unpublished data from the 1971 census aggregated to 1981 ward units.


  1. The 1971 data, which are currently the only data in the table, come from the 1971 census, are given for 1981 wards, but the Local Government Districts listed are 1971 units. The locational data must therefore be used with some care. Others years have not yet been added to this table.
  2. The figures for the individual age groups 0 and 1 to 4, and the groups 75 to 79, 80 to 84, and 85 up, are Danny Dorling's estimates. The totals for 0 to 4 and for 75 up are the original data.
  3. This transcription covers England, Wales and Scotland.
  4. This table was previously called age_wards when it was held in Oracle.


  1. The data are as supplied by Danny Dorling; no additional checking possible. NB the totals are computed from the data and cannot be used as check-sums.
  2. The higher level geographical units for England and Wales have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer. Each county and district level unit in this table has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this ID can be used to cross-reference against other data-sets. Scottish data is missing the county names and therefore has not be matched. Consequently the matching code for Scottish districts has not yet been added to the build script.
  3. The wards have not been matched to the auo as they currently do not exist in the gazetteer.


We are extremely grateful to the following:

  1. Danny Dorling: The values in this table for 1971 were supplied by Danny Dorling and are results from a project funded by the ESRC under their 2001 Census Development Programme, which should be acknowledged.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
age_wards_gb_pkey Primary key rec_num
age_wards_gb_idx_name Unique ward, lg_dist, lg_type, adm_cnty, year, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

age_wards_gb_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

year Integer number. Year in which the census was taken.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=36). Name of Local Government District or Scottish Burgh/District of County.
adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=28). Name of Administrative County or Scottish County/City in which the District was located. NB this column is currently null for Scottish districts.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=8). Type of Local Government District or Scottish Burgh/District of County.
ward Text string (max.len.=9). Code indicating the ward to which the data relate.
pop_tot Integer number. Total population, computed from the individual age groups.
pop_m Integer number. Total male population, computed from the individual age groups.
pop_f Integer number. Total female population, computed from the individual age groups.
m_0 Integer number. Males aged under 1.
m_1_4 Integer number. Males aged 1 to 4.
m_0_4 Integer number. Males aged 0 to 4.
m_5_9 Integer number. Males aged 5 to 9.
m_10_14 Integer number. Males aged 10 to 14.
m_15_19 Integer number. Males aged 15 to 19.
m_20_24 Integer number. Males aged 20 to 24.
m_25_29 Integer number. Males aged 25 to 29.
m_30_34 Integer number. Males aged 30 to 34.
m_35_39 Integer number. Males aged 35 to 39.
m_40_44 Integer number. Males aged 40 to 44.
m_45_49 Integer number. Males aged 45 to 49.
m_50_54 Integer number. Males aged 50 to 54.
m_55_59 Integer number. Males aged 55 to 59.
m_60_64 Integer number. Males aged 60 to 64.
m_65_69 Integer number. Males aged 65 to 69.
m_70_74 Integer number. Males aged 70 to 74.
m_75_up Integer number. Males aged 75 and over.
m_75_79 Integer number. Males aged 75 to 79.
m_80_84 Integer number. Males aged 80 to 84.
m_85_up Integer number. Males aged 75 and over.
f_0 Integer number. Females aged under 1.
f_1_4 Integer number. Females aged 1 to 4.
f_0_4 Integer number. Females aged 0 to 4.
f_5_9 Integer number. Females aged 5 to 9.
f_10_14 Integer number. Females aged 10 to 14.
f_15_19 Integer number. Females aged 15 to 19.
f_20_24 Integer number. Females aged 20 to 24.
f_25_29 Integer number. Females aged 25 to 29.
f_30_34 Integer number. Females aged 30 to 34.
f_35_39 Integer number. Females aged 35 to 39.
f_40_44 Integer number. Females aged 40 to 44.
f_45_49 Integer number. Females aged 45 to 49.
f_50_54 Integer number. Females aged 50 to 54.
f_55_59 Integer number. Females aged 55 to 59.
f_60_64 Integer number. Females aged 60 to 64.
f_65_69 Integer number. Females aged 65 to 69.
f_70_74 Integer number. Females aged 70 to 74.
f_75_up Integer number. Females aged 75 and over.
f_75_79 Integer number. Females aged 75 to 79.
f_80_84 Integer number. Females aged 80 to 84.
f_85_up Integer number. Females aged 85 and over.
notes Long text. Notes.
cnty_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for container unit (Administrative or Scottish County/City).
dist_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for unit (Local Government District or Scottish Burgh/District of County).
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.