Housing Statistics (persons per room) from the 1951 Census.

Table ID:
H_DENS_1951_EW     (1250734)
Housing Statistics (persons per room) from the 1951 Census.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1951.


  1. This table was transcribed from table 12 in the county reports of the 1951 census, 'Private Households by Density of Occupation (Persons per Room)' for 'Administrative County, Municipal Boroughs, Urban and Rural Districts.'
  2. It also includes national totals for England and Wales. Unfortunately, there is no table in the 1951 national Housing Report which exactly matches the above table in the county reports. The most similar is table 8A, "Private Households by Density of Occupation (Persons per Room)" (p.47), but this does not provide overall total counts of either households or persons, and uses a single category for densities "Over 2", where the county reports break the data down into "over 3" and "3 and over 2". However, the data in this table are entirely consistent with the overall totals of our data from the county reports (excluding New Towns), so the England and Wales totals here are taken from that table where it provides them, i.e. for the other density categories; the national total number of households comes from table 7 (p.46); and otherwise we use our computed sums of the district-level data.


  1. This is a partial transcription which covers all the Local Government districts of England and Wales. Initially only the figures given for Households in all dwellings at successive densities were included. NB the preceding table 11 provides a detailed cross-tabulation of numbers of people against numbers of rooms for each LGD, so a more complete transcription should possibly concentrate on that. In 2016 figures for the density counts by population were also added.
  2. This table contains data for:
    • All individual local government districts in England and Wales.
    • Each New Town in England and Wales, with lg_type='NEW_TOWN'. These rows do have cnty_unit set, so need to be explicitly excluded when computing county totals.
    • Overall total for England and Wales. This row has lg_type='Nation' and cnty_unit=null.
  3. The initial dataset was entered by Rachel Granville and Paula Aucott in Portsmouth in March 2003. Harold Price added the population in all households data in Portsmouth in August 2016.
  4. This table was originally called hous1951 and was a combination of the English and Welsh data. This was amended in February 2010 and is now called h_dens_1951_ew to reflect more accurately the area covered by the content.
  5. In March 2021 the name of the table was updated from hous_1951_ew to be h_dens_1951_ew to more accurately reflect the content.


  1. The column showing the total number of households was checked against the sum of the number of households given for each density value. This was done for both households in all dwellings at successive densities and population in all households at successive densities.
  2. The household counts for densities over 3 were missing, i.e. the column was simply blank, for five Rural Districts in Norfolk in two different copies of the printed reports. We have therefore added the differences between the reported overall total of households and the sums of the other density columns as follows: Blofield and Flegg (4), Depwade (4), Docking (5), Downham (8) and Erpingham (3).
  3. The geographical units have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other datasets.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
h_dens_1951_ew_pkey Primary key rec_num
h_dens_1951_ew_g_unit_idx Unique g_unit, rec_num
h_dens_1951_ew_idx   adm_cnty, lg_dist, lg_type


The table has the following associated constraints:

h_dens_1951_ew_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=44). Name of Administrative County unit as it appeared in the original report.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=64). Name of Local Government District unit as it appeared in the original report.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=16). Type of Local Government District.
cnty_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for county unit.
g_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for local government district unit.
tot_hous Integer number. Total number of households in all dwellings at successive densities.
h3_up Integer number. Total number of households with a population density of 3 or over.
h2_3 Integer number. Total number of households with a population density over 2 and below 3.
h1_5_2 Integer number. Total number of households with a population density over 1.5 and below 2.
h1_1_5 Integer number. Total number of households with a population density over 1 and below 1.5.
h_u_1 Integer number. Total number of households with a population density of 1 or less.
tot_pop Integer number. Total number of population in all households at successive densities.
p3_up Integer number. Total population in all households living at a population density of 3 or over.
p2_3 Integer number. Total population in all households living at a population density over 2 and below 3.
p1_5_2 Integer number. Total population in all households living at a population density over 1.5 and below 2.
p1_1_5 Integer number. Total population in all households living at a population density over 1 and below 1.5.
p_u_1 Integer number. Total population in all households living at a population density of 1 or less.
notes Text string (max.len.=104). Comments.
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.