Ward- or similar housing statistics from the 2001 Census: density, amenity & tenture

Table ID:
H_DENS_2001_GB_WARD     (1250781)
Ward- or similar housing statistics from the 2001 Census: density, amenity & tenture
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 2001.


  1. This table combines data from four different tables in the 2001 census outputs, all of which were downloaded from the CASWEB system on 25th February 2017, but the data available for Scotland differ from England and Wales. In each case, all available data from CASWEB from these particular tables are held here, although many other tables on housing topics are available. The geographies used vary:
    • England: CAS Wards.
    • Wales: CAS Electoral Division.
    • Scotland: ST (Standard Table) Postcode Sector.
  2. Data on housing amenities, and other summary data, come from Table KS019: "Rooms, amenities, central heating and lowest floor level: All households." This is mainly a count of households. This includes two additional columns for Scotland, so the CASWEB cell identifiers listed below apply only to the data for England and Wales.
  3. Data on housing tenure are taken from Table KS018 in the 2001 Key Statistics, "Tenure: All households", which is again a count of households. The Scottish version of this table differs because it breaks down private rented accommodation into Furnished and Unfurnished.
  4. For England and Wales, two tables in the Census Area Statistics Univariate Tables provide the most detailed data on numbers of persons per room, Table UV058, "Persons Per Room: All Households" which is a count of households, and Table UV083: "Persons Per Room: All Household Residents", which is a count of persons. The latter table is the more relevant to long-run comparisons, but is not available for Scotland.


  1. The data set held here includes all columns in the CASWEB tables.
  2. Tables KS019, KS018 and UV058 all include an overall count of total numbers of households, and checking showed each to sometimes slightly differ from both of the others, so all three are held here.
  3. In March 2021 the name of the table was updated from hous_2001_gb_ward to be h_dens_2001_gb_ward to more accurately reflect the content.


  1. Data are as downloaded; no further checking.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
h_dens_2001_gb_ward_pkey Primary key geogcode


The table has the following associated constraints:

h_dens_2001_gb_ward_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

nation Text string (max.len.=6). Single-letter code identifying nation and hence unit type: "E"=England, "W"=Wales, "S"=Scotland.
geogcode Text string (max.len.=14). These are six-character alphanumeric codes defined by the census offices.
area_name Text string (max.len.=124). Name of ward or other area, as supplied by CASWEB.
tot_hhold_amenity Integer number. All households [as listed in table of amenities] (CASWEB column: ks0190001).
tot_persons Integer number. ALL HOUSEHOLD RESIDENTS (CASWEB column: UV0830001).
mean_persons Floating point number. Average household size (CASWEB column: ks0190003).
tot_rooms Integer number. Total number of rooms in households. This is not available for England and Wales in the tables used here. For Scotland, it appears as column 4 in table KS019.
mean_rooms Floating point number. Average number of rooms per household (CASWEB column: ks0190003).
h_occup_u_minus_1 Integer number. Households: with an occupancy rating of -1 or less* (CASWEB column: ks0190004).
h_heat_bath Integer number. Households: with central heating and sole use of bath/shower and toilet (CASWEB column: ks0190005).
h_no_heat_no_bath Integer number. Households: without central heating or sole use of bath/shower and toilet (CASWEB column: ks0190006).
h_no_heat_bath Integer number. Households: without central heating; with sole use of bath/shower and toilet (CASWEB column: ks0190007).
h_heat_no_bath Integer number. Households: with central heating; without sole use use of bath/shower and toilet (CASWEB column: ks0190008).
h_floor_basement Integer number. Lowest floor level: Basement or semi-basement (CASWEB column: ks0190009).
h_floor_ground Integer number. Lowest floor level: Ground level (street level) (CASWEB column: ks0190010).
h_floor_1_4 Integer number. Lowest floor level: 1st/2nd/3rd or 4th floor (CASWEB column: ks0190011).
h_floor_5_up Integer number. Lowest floor level: 5th floor or higher (CASWEB column: ks0190012).
tot_hhold_tenure Integer number. All households [as listed in tenure table] (CASWEB column: ks0180001).
h_owned_outright Integer number. Households: Owner occupied: Owns outright (CASWEB column: ks0180002).
h_owned_buying Integer number. Households: Owner occupied: Owns with a mortgage or loan (CASWEB column: ks0180003).
h_owned_shared Integer number. Households: Owner occupied: Shared ownership (CASWEB column: ks0180004).
h_rent_council Integer number. Households: Rented from: Council (local authority) (CASWEB column: ks0180005).
h_rent_assoc Integer number. Households: Rented from: Housing Association/Registered Social Landlord (CASWEB column: ks0180006).
h_rent_private Integer number. Households: Rented from: Private landlord or letting agency (CASWEB column: ks0180007). For Scotland, this is a derived value calculated as h_rent_furn + h_rent_unfurn.
h_rent_furn Integer number. Households: Rented from: Private landlord or letting agency: Furnished (CASWEB column: ks0180007). Listed only for Scotland.
h_rent_unfurn Integer number. Households: Rented from: Private landlord or letting agency: Unfurnished (CASWEB column: ks0180008). Listed only for Scotland.
h_tenure_other Integer number. Households: Other [e.g. accommodation provided with employment] (CASWEB column: ks0180008).
tot_hhold_rooms Integer number. ALL HOUSEHOLDS [as listed in table UV058] (CASWEB column: UV0580001).
h_under_05 Integer number. [Number of households with] Up to 0.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0580002).
h_05_10 Integer number. [Number of households with] Over 0.5 and up to 1.0 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0580003).
h_10_15 Integer number. [Number of households with] Over 1.0 and up to 1.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0580004).
h_over_15 Integer number. [Number of households with] Over 1.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0580005).
p_under_05 Integer number. [Number of persons living in households with] Up to 0.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0830002).
p_05_10 Integer number. [Number of persons living in households with] Over 0.5 and up to 1.0 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0830003).
p_10_15 Integer number. [Number of persons living in households with] Over 1.0 and up to 1.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0830004).
p_over_15 Integer number. [Number of persons living in households with] Over 1.5 persons per room (CASWEB column: UV0830005).
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in order loaded.