Industry data 1841-1991 reclassified to SIC2007 Divisions and redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts

Table ID:
Industry data 1841-1991 reclassified to SIC2007 Divisions and redistricted to 2011 Local Authority Districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data cover the period 1841 to 1991.
Dates and times are identified by:


  1. This table was generated from census industry data 1931 to 1991, and occupational statistics from earlier dates.
  2. The 1991 data also draw on detailed data from the Census of Employment. Although ONS have agreed that our 1991 Section-level data constructed using this source may be made public, they have not agreed that these Division-level data may be similarly treated.


  1. This table was constructed to provide greater detail than ind_redistricted, and to be easier to work with for some analytic purposes; it is also used to construct the final ind_redistricted table. Note that it does not include 2011 data, as only Section-level data and a simplified breakdown of manufacturing are available for that year. However, for all other years Division-level data are first computed in this table, then aggregated into ind_redistricted.
  2. The data held here are based on place of work for 1951, 1971 and 1991, and on location on census night for 1931 and all earlier dates.
  3. As of December 2017, the national totals held here for England and Wales, and for Scotland, for all censuses up to and including 1971 are based on the reported national data, not on summing the districts, with the sole exception of England and Wales in 1861, where the national totals use a very different classification.


  1. Derived data: the scripts used to generate these data have been checked carefully.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_redistricted_div_pkey Primary key g_unit, year, sic_division, gender


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_redistricted_div_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index
ind_redistricted_div_area_type_check Check ((((area_type)::text = 'COUNTRY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'DISTRICT'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'GOR'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_REG'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'MOD_CNTY'::text) OR ((area_type)::text = 'NATION'::text)))
ind_redistricted_div_gender_check Check ((((gender)::text = 'A'::text) OR ((gender)::text = 'M'::text) OR ((gender)::text = 'F'::text)))
ind_redistricted_div_nat_source_check Check ((((nat_source)::text = 'Reported_total'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_redist'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_EnumD'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Par'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_raw_Ward'::text) OR ((nat_source)::text = 'Sum_of_EW_and_Scot'::text)))

Columns within table:

area_type Text string (max.len.=16). Type of row:
  • 'DISTRICT' = data are for a Local Authority District.
  • 'NATION' = data are overall totals for England and Wales, or for Scotland.
nation Text string (max.len.=6). Short code indicating part of Britain covered: "EW" = England and Wales, "S" = Scotland, "GB" = Great Britain (used only for the national totals).
nat_source Text string (max.len.=28). Used only for rows which are national totals for "England and Wales", Scotland or Great Britain, and then records how it was calculated.
area_name Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the reporting area.
g_unit Integer number. ID number of the reporting area as defined in the GBHGIS AUO.
year Integer number. Date of the census.
sic_division Integer number. Integer number identifying the 2007 SIC 'Division'. These form a single sequence running from 1 to 99, but we have added 100 to cover unclassifiable workers.
sic_section Text string (max.len.=6). Capital Letter identifying the SIC 'Section'. These form a single sequence running from A to U, but we have added X to cover unclassifiable workers.
gbh_sector_name Text string (max.len.=28). Name of one of eight broad "Sectors" defined by the project.
gender Text string (max.len.=6). Gender: 'A' means all, i.e. males and females combined. 'F' means females, and 'M' means males.
persons Floating point number. Number of persons in this combination of date, areaa, division and gender.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in the order they were inserted.