1901 Male occupational statistics for local government districts

Table ID:
OCC_1901_M     (1251897)
1901 Male occupational statistics for local government districts
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paul Ell
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1901.


  1. The data were transcribed from Table 35A 'Grouped Occupations of Females aged 10 years and upwards, in (the) County Borough(s), in Municipal Borough(s), and in other Urban Districts with populations exceeded 5,000 persons; also Proportions of Children of 10 and under 14 years of age, and of Married or Widowed Women engaged in Occupations, and Proportions of Female Domestic Servants to Separate Occupiers or Families, 1901', in the County Reports of the 1901 census. NB the original table does not include figures for each and every Urban District, hence our transcription was further narrowed to U.D.s whose population exceeded 10,000. The data on children aged 10-14 was not transcribed.


  1. The table was based on a standard employment classification, but only selected categories were tabulated for each county with all other occupations included in the residual 'other' column. We have transcribed all available categories, but it is obviously difficult to compare the overall occupational structures of towns in different counties. However, the data are usable in studies of single counties and in wider analyses of dominant industries. The 1901 reports provide a more detailed occupational classification for county boroughs.
  2. In a few cases, the original table includes a more detailed classification than we have included here. For example, in Kent category XVII is divided into 'Paper Manufacture' and 'Prints, Books, Stationery' but we have combined these into a single heading. Footnotes to the tables often give information concerning major components of the groups in the table for particular districts; for example, that the 'Conveyance' category in Kettering includes '338 workers "On Railways".
  3. In Lancashire and Yorkshire, categories XV ('Chemicals, etc.') and XVI ('Skins, etc.') are combined, and have been entered here under 'xvi'.


  1. The sum of 'retired' and 'occupied' was checked against 'total'.
  2. The sum of 'i' through 'others' was checked against 'occupied'.
  3. This table has been generated in postgres but no new numerical checking has been done.
  4. The geographical units have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other datasets. All units have been matched.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
occ_1901_m_pkey Primary key rec_num
occ_1901_m_g_unit_idx Unique g_unit, rec_num
occ_1901_m_idx   lg_dist, adm_cnty, lg_type, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

occ_1901_m_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

lgd_name Text string (max.len.=34). Name of Local Government District.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=34). Standardised name of Local Government District.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=6). Type of unit. Places described as 'City and County of ...' were coded as 'CB'. The City of London is classed, inaccurately, as a London Borough
cnty_name Text string (max.len.=34). Name of Administrative County.
adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=34). Standardised name of Administrative County
admc_unit Integer number. ID number for Administrative County containing the unit, as defined in the AUO.
g_unit Integer number. ID number for the reporting area, as defined in the AUO.
total Integer number. Total number of males aged 10 and over, Occupied or Unoccupied
retired Integer number. Number Retired or Unoccupied
occupied Integer number. Engaged in occupations (Orders I-XXII)
v2 Integer number. Commercial or Business Clerks
vi Integer number. Conveyance of Men, Goods and Messages
vii Integer number. Agriculture - On Farms, Woods and Gardens
viii Integer number. Fishing
ix1tin Integer number. Tin Miners
ix1coal Integer number. Coal and Shale Miners
ix1iron Integer number. Ironstone Miners
ix2 Integer number. Stone Quarriers, Cutters, Dressers. [Sometimes 'Slate Quarriers, workers']
x1 Integer number. Iron and Steel Manufacture
x17 Integer number. (X. 1-7) Metals, Machines, Implements
x2 Integer number. (X. 2.) Tinplate Manufacture
x3 Integer number. (X. 3.) Engineering and Machine Making
x47 Integer number. (X. 4-7.) Tools; Dies, etc; Arms; Miscellaneous Metal Trades
x8 Integer number. (X. 8.) Ships and Boats
x9 Integer number. (X. 9.) Cycles, Coaches, and other vehicles
xi12 Integer number. Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Jewellers, Watchmakers, Clockmakers
xii Integer number. Building and Works of Construction
xiii Integer number. Wood, Furniture, Fittings and Decorations
xiv1brick Integer number. Brick, Cement, Pottery, and Glass
xiv1brick_terra Integer number.
xiv1earth Integer number. Earthenware, China, Porcelain - Manufacture. [When listed, prev. category is Brick, Plain Tile, Terra Cotta - Manufacture
xv Integer number. Chemicals, Oil, Grease, etc
xvi Integer number. Skins, Leather, Hair, Feathers
xvii Integer number. Paper, Prints, Books and Stationary
xviii1cotton Integer number. (XVIII. 1.) Cotton Manufacture
xviii2wool Integer number. (XVIII. 2.) Wool and Worsted Manufacture
xviii15total Integer number. (XVIII. 1-5.) Textile Manufacture. (If one of next 3 categories is occupied, means 'Other', not 'Total'.]
xviii3 Integer number. (XVIII. 3.) Silk Manufacture
xviii5hose Integer number. (XVIII. 5.) Hosiery Manufacture
xviii5lace Integer number. (XVIII. 5.) Lace Manufacture
xviii6 Integer number. (XVIII. 6.) Bleaching, Printing, Dyeing, etc
xixtotal Integer number. Dress. (If one of next 3 categories is occupied, means 'Other', not 'Total'.]
xixhat Integer number. Straw-Plait, Hat, Bonnet Manufacture
xix1tailors Integer number. Tailors [Used only for Leicestershire, Norfolk and Northamptonshire.]
xix1boot Integer number. Boot, Shoe, Slipper, Patten, Clog - Makers. [Used only for Leicestershire, Norfolk and Northamptonshire.]
xx Integer number. Food, Tobacco, Drinks and Lodgings
others Integer number. All Other Occupations
notes Text string (max.len.=259). Notes added after data capture
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table, added during loading.