Population Change
Year | Change over 10 years |
1811 | 90 |
1821 | -45 |
1831 | 50 |
1841 | -218 |
1851 | -27 |
1861 | -44 |
1871 | -132 |
1881 | -68 |
1891 | 727 |
1901 | -4 |
1911 | -53 |
1921 | -16 |
1931 | -1 |
1961 | 72 |
1971 | -34 |
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Date: | Acknowledgments: |
1971 | National Records of Scotland. Role: owner. Restrictions on use: all census data 1966-2011 is Crown copyright but is now available free of charge under the Open Government Licence. You are free to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application; but you must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to the Open Government Licence. |
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The election result data we hold includes over two hundred party labels, so we have simplified them to these seven simple categories. Of course, most candidates in most elections, and almost every candidate who won, was standing for one of the main parties, but an enormous range of labels have been used by one or two candidates. These groupings have been defined based almost entirely on the party labels, rather than detailed research into party policies, but including words like 'Labour' or 'Conservative' in yo...
ur party label says a lot about where you stand, and even more about the people voting for you. 'Left' means broadly speaking candidates to the left of the Liberal or Labour parties, 'Right' candidates to the right of the Conservatives. 'Nationalist' means any kind of nationalist, even for the Isle of Wight.