Descriptive gazetteer entries

We have no further entries in our collection of 19th century descriptive gazetteers about Kilspindie, but we do have this information about localities within the associated parish or parishes. You may be able to find further references to Kilspindie in the descriptive gazetteers by doing a full-text search here.

Place Type of entry Source
Evelick or Pole hill a wooded summit Groome
Fingask Castle a fine old mansion Groome
Pitrodie village Bartholomew
Rait village Bartholomew

Descriptive gazetteer entries

In 1882-4, Frances Groome's Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland described Kilspindie like this:

Kilspindie, a village and a parish in Gowrie district, SE Perthshire. The village, standing in the mouth of a small glen, 1 mile SSW of Rait, 21/8 miles NNW of Errol station, and 33/8 NNE of Glencarse station, had anciently a castle, now extinct, and figures in Blind Harry's narrative as the place where Sir William Wallace, with his mother, found refuge in his boyhood.

The parish, containing also...

the post offices of Rait and Pitrody under Errol, comprehends the ancient parishes of Kilspindie and Rait. It is bounded NE by Caputh (detached) and Kinnaird, SE by Errol, S by Kinfauns and Kinnoull (detached), and W by Scone, St Martins, and another detached section of Kinnoull. Its utmost length and breadth, south-eastward and south-westward, is 3½ miles; and its area is 6258¼ acres, of which 3¾ are water. A strip along the SE border forms part of the Carse of Gowrie, and sinks to 40 feet above sea-level; thence the surface rises north-westward to the Sidlaws, attaining 944 feet on Evelick or Pole Hill and 849 on Beal Hill; and thence again it declines towards Strathmore-to 380 feet at the NW border. The parish thus presents a diversified aspect, ranging from luxuriant corn-field to barren moor; by Rait, Kilspindie, and Pitrody Burns its drainage is mostly carried eastward to the Firth of Tay. Trap and coarse greyish sandstone are the predominant rocks. The trap has been quarried in Pitrody Den; and beautiful pieces of agate are often found among the hills. The soil on the flat south-eastern border is a fertile mixture of clay and humus; on the slopes of the southern hills, and in the hollows and little glens, is of various quality, but generally good; and on the northern hills, is wet and heathy. About seven-thirteenths of the entire area are in tillage, one-thirtieth is under wood, and the rest of the land is either pastoral or waste. Fingask Castle and Annat are the only mansions; and 4 proprietors hold each an annual value of more, 2 of less, than £500. Kilspindie is in the presbytery of Perth and synod of Perth and Stirling; the living is worth £307. The church, at Kilspindie village, is a plain edifice, recently repaired, and containing 350 sittings; and a public school, with accommodation for 130 children, had (1881) an average attendance of 84, and a grant of £87, 19s. Valuation (1860) £6255, (1883) £6746, 13s. 4d. Pop. (1801) 762, (1831) 760, (1861) 665, (1871) 679, (1881) 693.—Ord. Sur., sh. 48, 1868.

This is the only descriptive gazetter entry we have found, but you may be able to find further references to Kilspindie by doing a full-text search here.

Travel writing

Sorry, but no mentions of this place can be found.

This website includes two large libraries, of historical travel writing and of entries from nineteenth century gazetteers describing places. We have text from these sources available for these places near your location:

Place Mentioned in Travel Writing Mentioned in Hist. Gazetteer
Kinnaird 0 2
Carse of Gowrie 0 3
Errol 1 2
Glencarse 0 2
Balthayock 0 2
St Madoes 0 2
Dunsinane 0 2
Balbeggie 0 2
Inchyra 0 2
Kinfauns 0 2
Abernyte 0 2
Inchture 0 2
Collace 0 2
Baledgarno 0 2
Kinnoull 0 2
Newburgh 0 2
Scone 14 2
St Martins 0 2
Rhynd 0 2
Cairnbeddie 0 2