Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Creich

Creich, a very large Highland parish in the S of Sutherland, containing, towards its SE corner, the village of Bonar-Bridge, and traversed for 53/8 miles by the Sutherland railway, with Invershin station thereon, 3½ miles NNW of Ardgay, and 17¼ NW of Tain. It is bounded at its north-western extremity by Assynt and Eddrachillis; along its north-eastern side by Lairg, Rogart, and Dornoch; at its south-eastern corner by the Upper waters of Dornoch Firth, which separate it from Edderton in Ross-shire; and along its south-western side by Kincardine, likewise in Ross-shire. From SE to NW its greatest length is 31¼ miles; its breadth varies between 11/8 and 9¼ miles; and its area is 110,736¾ acres, of which 735 are foreshore and 1911¼ water, it thus being nearly half the size of all Midlothian. Lakes of the interior, from SE to NW, with their utmost length and width and their altitude above sea-level, are Loch Migdale (2 miles X 3 furl.; 115 feet) Loch a' Ghobhair (4 X 1 furl.; 742 feet), Loch an Lagain (7½ X 1¾ furl.; 446 feet), sending off the Evelix, Loch Laro (7½ X 1½ furl.; 600 feet), Loch na Claise Moire (7 X 3 furl.; 774 feet), Loch na Faichde (4 X 11/3 furl.; 1400 feet), Loch Garn nan Conbhairean (4 X 1¾ furl.; 1104 feet), and a number of smaller tarns. On the Dornoch border lies Loch Buie (1¼ X ¼ mile; 527 feet); on the Rogart, Loch Cracail Mor (6 X 11/3 furl.; 620 feet); on the Kincardine, Loch Ailsh (7 X 41/3 furl.; 498 feet); and on the Eddrachillis, Gorm Loch Mor (7 X 4 furl.; 846 feet). The river Cassley, issuing from the last, hurries 20½ miles south-eastward along the middle

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a very large Highland parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Creich ScoP       Sutherland ScoCnty
Place: Creich

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