Detailed industrial structure data for local authority districts from the 1991 Census of Employment

Table ID:
IND_1991_LAD     (1251085)
Detailed industrial structure data for local authority districts from the 1991 Census of Employment
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1991.


  1. These data are taken not from the Census of Population but from the employee analysis of the Census of Employment: "A Census of employees in employment providing detailed employment counts for local areas down to ward level. Breakdowns are available by male/female, full/part-time and 1980 standard industrial classification (sic) codes down to activity heading level." The data held here are broken down by sex and the most detailed available industrial classification, but ignore the full-time/part-time distinction.
  2. These data were downloaded from the NOMIS online system by Humphrey Southall on 30th April 2016.


  1. WARNING: This is a restricted data set, obtained under the terms of Notice NTC/BRES14-P0829, and may only be accessed by named persons: Paula Aucott, Humphrey Southall and Michael Stoner. Any derived data published from this must be obfuscated following guidelines published by the Office of National Statistics.
  2. Two "activities" require special treatment. 100 "Agriculture and horticulture" is always null and 9900 "Domestic services" seems to be always zero. In both cases, the "activity" is also a SIC1980 Class and the ward-level data from the Census of Population does provide counts.


  1. Data are as downloaded; no checking possible.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1991_lad_pkey Primary key geogcode, sex, activity_number
ind_1991_lad_idx_activity Unique activity_number, sex, geogcode


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_1991_lad_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

geogcode Text string (max.len.=9). Geographical code identifying the district.
nation Text string (max.len.=5). Single-letter code identifying which nation the data are from: 'E' = England, 'S' = Scotland, 'W' = Wales. These aresimply the first characters within geogcode.
district_name Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the local authority, inserted from a separate lookup table supplied by NOMIS.
sex Text string (max.len.=5). Gender, either 'M' = Males or 'F' = Females.
activity_number Integer number. Four digit code identifying the activity within the 1980 Standard Industrial Classifiction.
activity_name Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the activity. NB the data supplied by NOMIS held the activity number and name in a single string but we have separated them,
persons Integer number. Number of persons in the specific combination of area, gender and activity.
flag Text string (max.len.=5). Flag supplied by NOMIS. Mostly null but these values appear:
  • ! (exclamation mark): "Users of Nomis must suppress (i.e. blank out), for publication purposes, any data-cell which is marked with an ‘!’ (exclamation mark). This is referred to as Hard suppression and is designed to prevent any disclosure of data that allows a particular business to be identified and rules of confidentiality to be broken. The primary rule of disclosure as applied to BRES is: at least 3 enterprise groups in a cell and the total of the cell less the 2 largest local units must be greater than or equal to a pre-determined percentage of the value of the largest local unit. If a data-cell fails this rule then it is considered disclosive and marked with an ‘!’ (exclamation mark."
  • - (hyphen): This appears against rows for activity 100, "Agriculture and horticulture", clearly there to flag that the count of persons is always missing.