May 17 - Aug. 28, 1743: Bristol to Newcastle, then Cornwall
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Tues., May 17th. I set out for the north with Mr. Guthey. In the evening I walked from our brother Wynn's to Painswick. I stood in the street, and invited sinners to the Gospel-feast, in, "Come, for all things are now ready." Some, even of these dead souls, receive the word with joy. Wed., May 18th. I admitted a dozen new members into the Society, who brought a blessing with them. I walked to Stroud, and delivered my message at the market-place to a quiet audience. I made up a difference between two of the brethren, and carried them with me to Evesham. Here the storm of persecution is a little blown over. He that letteth at present is a Quaker. The Mayor likewise keeps off the sons of violence. Thur., May 19th. I read prayers in Quinton church, and exhorted several wild, staring people to repent and believe the Gospel. I could not refuse their pressing invitation to preach again. God gave me great plainness of speech. Some of the fiercest opposers were brought over. Mrs. Taylor was fully convinced of unbelief. I hastened back to Evesham, and enforced that comprehensive promise, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do." Our Lord himself applied his own words. The Society walk as becometh the Gospel. One only person I reproved; not suffering her any longer, notwithstanding her great gifts, to speak in the church, or usurp authority over the men. Fri., May 20th. I got once more to our dear colliers of Wednesbury. Here the seed has taken root, and many are added to the church. A Society of above three hundred are seeking full redemption in the all-cleansing blood. The enemy rages exceedingly, and preaches against them. A few have returned railing for railing; but the generality have behaved as the followers of Christ Jesus. I preached in a garden on the tlrst words I met, 1 Cor. ii. 1: "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech," &c. While I slake of His sufferings, He looked upon us, and made us look upon Him, and mourn. Many wept as one that mourneth for his first-born. I exhorted and instructed the very lively Society. Surely among this people I have not run or laboured in vain. Sat., May 21st. At five I commended the woman of Canaan, as an example of prevalent importunity. A young man, who had been greatly vexed of the devil, was now set at liberty. I spent the morning in conference with several who have received the atonement under my brother, &c. I saw a piece of ground given us by a Dissenter to build a preaching-house upon, and consecrated it by an hymn. I walked with many of the brethren to Walsal, singing. We were received with the old complaint, "Behold, they that turn the world upside down are come here also." I walked through the town amidst the noisy greetings of our enemies, and stood on the steps of the market-house. An host of men was laid against us. The floods lifted up their voice, and raged horribly. I opened the book on the first-presented words, Acts xx. 24: "But none of these things move me; neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God." The street was full of fierce Ephesian beasts, (the principal man setting them on,) who roared, and shouted, and threw stones incessantly. Many struck, without hurting, me. I besought them in calm love to be reconciled to God in Christ. While I was departing, a stream of ruffians was suffered to bear me from the steps. I rose, and, having given the blessing, was beat down again. So the third time, when we had returned thanks to the God of our salvation. I then, from the steps, bade them depart in peace, and walked quietly back through the thickest rioters. They reviled us, but had no commission to touch an hair of our heads. Sun., May 22d. I preached to between one and two thousand peaceable people at Birmingham. I heard a miserable sermon to disprove the promise of the Father, by confining it to the Apostles. After the sacrament, I called on many, "Repent, and be converted: for the promise is unto you," &e. Several gentlemen stood in the crowd, with signs of deep attention. I preached on the same words at Wednesbury; and the Spirit proved them with his own demonstration. Mon., May 23d. I took my leave in those words, Acts xiv. 22: "Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of heaven." With many tears and blessings they sent me away, commended to the grace of God. I preached forgiveness at Milbourne to several who seemed ready for it. Tues., May 24th. Again I preached the Gospel to the poor at Coleorton, who heard it with the greatest eagerness. I rode to Donington, and asked, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" At two I proclaimed the Saviour of all men at Notting-ham-cross; and in the evening, at their request, I expounded to Mr. How's Society. Wed., May 25th. At the Cross again, I pressed all to receive the faithful saying. There was no breath of opposition: but a storm must follow this calm. Several joined me at my inn in prayer and thanksgiving. One gave me a kind caution, for which I sincerely thanked him: "Mr. Rogers did run well, and preached the truth as you do here; but what a sad end has he made of it ! Take care you do not leave the Church, like him." In the afternoon I came to the flock in Sheffield, who are as sheep in the midst of wolves; the Ministers having so stirred up the people, that they are ready to tear them in pieces. Most of them have passed through the fire of stillness, which came to try them, as soon as they tasted the grace of the Lord. At six I went to the Society-house, next door to our brother Bennet's. Hell from beneath was moved to oppose us. As soon as I was in the desk with David Taylor, the floods began to lift up their voice. An officer (Ensign Garden) contradicted and blasphemed. I took no notice of him, and sung on. The stones flew thick, hitting the desk and people. To save them and the house, I gave notice I should preach out, and look the enemy in the face. The whole army of the aliens followed me. The Captain laid hold on me, and began reviling. I gave him for answer, "A Word in season; or, Advice to a Soldier ;" then prayed, particularly for His Majesty King George, and preached the Gospel with much contention. The stones often struck me in the face. After sermon I prayed for sinners, as servants of their master, the devil; upon which-the Captain ran at me with great fury, threatening revenge for my abusing, as he called it, "the King his master." He forced his way through the brethren, drew his sword, and presented it to my breast. My breast was immediately steeled. I threw it open, and, fixing mine eye on his, smiled in his face, and calmly said, "I fear God, and honour the King." His countenance fell in a moment, he fetched a deep sigh, put up Iris sword, and quietly left the place. To one of the company, who afterwards informed me, he had said, "You shall see, if I do but hold my sword to his breast, he will faint away." So perhaps I should, had I had only his principles to trust to; but if at that time I was not afraid, no thanks to my natural courage. We returned to our brother Bennet's, and gave ourselves unto prayer. The rioters followed, and exceeded in their outrage all I have seen before. Those of Moorfields, Cardiff, and Walsal, were lambs to these. As there is no King in Israel, (no Magistrate, I mean, in Sheffield,) every man does as seems good in his own eyes. Satan now put it into their hearts to pull down the Society-house, and they set to their work, while we were praying and praising God. It was a glorious time with us. Every word of exhortation sunk deep, every prayer was sealed, and many found the Spirit of glory resting on them. One sent for the Constable, who came up, and desired me to leave the town, "since I was the occasion of all this disturbance." I thanked him for his advice, withal assuring him "I should not go a moment the sooner for this uproar; was sorry for their sakes that they had no law or justice among them: as for myself, I had my protection, and knew my business, as I supposed he did his." In proof whereof, he went from us, and encouraged the mob. They pressed hard to break open the door. I would have gone out to them, but the brethren would not suffer me. They laboured all night for their master, and by morning had pulled down one end of the house. I could compare them to nothing but the men of Sodom, or those coming out of the tombs exceeding fierce. Their outcries often waked me in the night; yet I believe I got more sleep than any of my neighbours. Thur., May 26th. At five I expounded the pool of Bethesda; and stayed, conversing with the Society, till eight. I breakfasted with several of the brethren from Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire. I met a daughter of affliction, who had long mourned in Sion. God gave me immediate faith for her, which I made proof of in prayer; and in that instant she received the comfort. It being agreed that I should preach in file heart of the town, I went forth, nothing doubting. We heard our enemies shouting from afar. I stood up in the midst of them, and read the first words that offered: "If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son," &e. God made bare his arm in the sight of the Heathen, and so restrained the fierceness of men, that not one lifted up hand or voice against us. I took David Taylor, and walked through the open street to our brother Bennet's, with the multitude at my heels. We passed by the spot where the house stood: they had not left one stone upon another. Nevertheless, the foundation standeth sure, as I told one of them, and our house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The mob attended me to my lodgings with great civility; but as soon as I was entered the house, they renewed their threatenings to pull it down. The windows were smashed in an instant; and my poor host so frightened, that he was ready to give up his shield. He had been for a warrant to Mr. Buck, a Justice of Peace, in Rotherham; who refused it him, unless he would promise to forsake this way. The house was now on the point of being taken by storm. I was writing within, when the cry of my poor friend and his family, I thought, called me out to those sons of Belial. In the midst of the rabble I found a friend of Edward's, with the Riot Act. At their desire, I took and read it, and made a suitable exhortation. One of the sturdiest rebels our Constable seized, and carried away captive into the house. I marvelled at the patience of his companions; but the Lord overawed them. What was done with the prisoner, I know not; for in five minutes I was fast asleep, in the room they had dismantled. I feared no cold, but dropped asleep with that word, "Scatter thou the people that delight in war." I afterwards heard that, within the hour, they had all quitted the place. Fri., May 27th. At five I took leave of the Society in those comfortable words, "Confirming the souls," &e. I had the extraordinary blessing I expected. Our hearts were knit together, and greatly comforted. We rejoiced in hope of the glorious appearing of the great God, who had now delivered us out of the mouth of the lions. David Taylor informed me, that the people of Thorpe, through which we should pass, were exceeding mad against us. So we found them, as we approached the place, and were turning down the lane to Barley-hall. The ambush rose, and assaulted us with stones, eggs, and dirt. My horse flew from side to side, till he forced his way through them. David Taylor they wounded in his forehead, which bled much: his hat he lost in the fray. I returned, and asked what was the reason a Clergyman could not pass without such treatment. At first the rioters scattered; but their Captain, rallying, answered with horrible imprecations, and stones that would have killed both man and beast, had they not been turned aside by an hand unseen. My horse took fright and hurried away with me down a steep hill, till we came to a lane, which I turned up, and took a circuit to find our brother Johnson's. The enemy spied me from afar, and followed, shouting. Blessed be God, I got no hurt, but only the eggs and dirt. My clothes indeed abhorred me, and my arm pained me a little by a blow I received at Sheffield. David Taylor had got just before me to Barley-hall, with the sisters, whom God had hid in the hollow of his hand. I met many sincere souls assembled to hear the word of God. Never have I known a greater power of love. All were drowned in tears; yet very happy. The scripture I met was, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people." We rejoiced in the God of our Salvation, who hath compassed us about with songs of deliverance. By four we came to a land of rest; for the brethren of Birstal have stopped the mouths of gainsayers, and fairly overcome evil with good. At present, peace is in all their borders. The little foxes that spoil the vineyard, or rather, the wild boars out of the wood that root it up, have no more place among them; only the Germans still prowl about the fences, to pick up stragglers. My mouth was opened to declare God, who spared not his own Son, &c. A great multitude were bowed down by the victorious power of his love. It was a time much to be remembered, for the gracious rain wherewith our God refreshed us. Sat., May 28th. I preached in the morning and at noon, with great enlargement, to this childlike people; then at Armley, in my way to Leeds. Sun., May 29th. Not a year ago, I walked to and fro in these streets, and could not find a man: but a spark is at last lit on this place also; and a great fire it will kindle. I met the infant Society, about fifty in number, most of them justified, and exhorted them to walk circumspectly, since so much depended on the first witnesses. At seven I stood before William Shent's door, and cried to thousands, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters." The word took place. They gave diligent heed to it, and seemed a people ready prepared for the Lord. I went to the great church, and was showed to the Ministers' pew. Their whole behaviour said, "Friend, go up higher." Five Clergymen were there, who a little confounded me, by making me take place of my elders and betters. They made me help administer the sacrament; would not let me steal into a comer, but placed me at the table, opposite to him that consecrated. I assisted with eight more Ministers, for whom my soul was much drawn out in prayer. But I dreaded their favour more than the stones in Sheffield. At two I found a vast multitude waiting for the word. I strongly exhorted them to repent and believe, that their sins might be blotted out. At Birstal I called the poor and maimed and halt and blind to the great supper. My Lord disposed many hearts, I doubt not, to accept the invitation. He shows me several witnesses of the truth which they have even now received in the love of it. I bade a blessed parting with the Society. Mon., May 30th. Near Ripley my horse threw, and fell upon, me. My companion thought I had broke my neck; but my leg only was bruised, my hand sprained, and my head stunned; which spoiled my making hymns, or thinking at all, till the next day; when the Lord brought us safe to Newcastle. At seven I went to the room, which will contain above two thousand. It was filled from end to end. My subject was, "He that spared not his own Son," &c. God gave testimony to the word of his grace. We rejoiced for the consolation of our mutual faith. Wed., June 1st. I preached at Pelton to a people who seem as ignorant almost as the beasts that perish. But if the Lord hath given them a desire to know him, he can of these stones raise up children unto Abraham. Fri., June 8d. Our room was crowded at the watchnight. Several gentry fi'om the races stood with great attention, while I set forth Christ crucified. It was a season both of grief and love. Sat., June 4th. I went on at five expounding the Acts. Some stumbling-blocks, with the help of God, I have removed, particularly the fits. Many, no doubt, were, at our first preaching, struck down, both soul and body, into the depth of distress. Their outward affections were easy to be imitated. Many counterfeits I have already detected. To-day, one who came from the alehouse, drunk, was pleased to fall into a fit for my entertainment, and beat himself heartily. I thought it a pity to hinder him; so, instead of singing over him, as had been often done, we left him to recover at his leisure. Another, a girl, as she began her cry, I ordered to be carried out. Her convulsion was so violent, as to take away the use of her limbs, till they laid and left her without the door. Then immediately she found her legs, and walked off. Some very unstill sisters, who always took care to stand near me, and tried which should cry loudest, since I had them removed out of my sight, have been as quiet as lambs. The first night I preached here, half my words were lost through their outcries. Last night, before I began, I gave public notice, that whosoever cried so as to drown my voice, should, without any man's hurting or judging them, be gently carried to the farthest corner of the room. But my porters had no employment the whole night; yet the Lord was with us, mightily convincing of sin and of righteousness. Sun., June 5th. My soul was revived by the poor people at Chowden; and yet more at Tanfield, where I called to great numbers, "Behold the Lamb of God," &c. To the Society I spake words not my own. At Newcastle, one, just come from the sacrament, received the seal of forgiveness among us. I preached in the crowded square, chiefly to the backsliders, whom I besought, with tears, to be reconciled to God. Surely Jesus looked upon some of them as he looked upon Peter. I wrestled in prayer for them at the Society, and found it is for their sake principally that God hath brought me hither. Mon., June 6th. I had the great comfort of recovering some of those that had drawn back. They came, confessing their sin. I trust we shall receive them again for ever. Wed., June 8th. I spoke to the bands severally, and tried if their faith could bear shaking. We have certainly been too rash and easy in allowing persons for believers on their own testimony; nay, and even persuading them into a false opinion of themselves. Some souls it is doubtless necessary to encourage; but it should be done with the utmost caution. To tell one in darkness he has faith, is to keep him in darkness still, or to make him trust in a false light, a faith that stands in the words of men, not in the power of God. Sat., June 11th. I passed an hour with the keelmen at the hospital. Eight of our brethren there have been gathered into the garner since our parting. The love of the rest is not waxen cold. Sun., June 12th. I preached at five in the room; at seven to the poor people in Chowden; at nine in Tanfield. After church, in the Hospital-square, to the usual congregation, whom I warmly pressed to the great supper. Mon., June 13th. I wrote thus to a son in the Gospel :— "Be not over-sure that so many are justified. By their fruits you shall know them. You will see reason to be more and more deliberate in the judgment you pass on souls. Wait for their conversation. I do not know whether we can infallibly pronounce at the time that any one is justified. I once thought several in that state, who, I am now convinced, were only under the drawings of the Father. Try the spirits, therefore, lest you should lay the stumbling-block of pride in their way, and, by allowing them to have faith too soon, keep them out of it for ever." Tues., June 14th. I preached at South-biddicks to a multitude of earnest souls, who lamented my leaving them as soon as I found them. Wed., June 15th. I dined at Stote's-hall with Mr. Williams, and rode in the bitter weather to Plessy. Here my labour has not been in vain. They even devoured the word, while I showed them what they must do to be saved. I observed at Newcastle that many more of the gentry come now the stumbling-block of the fits is taken out of their way; and I am more and more convinced it was a device of Satan to stop the course of the Gospel. Since I have preached it, if I can discern anything, it never had greater success than at this time. Yet we have no fits among us, and I have done nothing to prevent them, only declared that I do not think the better of any one for crying out or interrupting my work. Thur., June 16th. I set out for Sunderland, with strong aversion to preaching. But I am more and more convinced that the freedom of heart which the Moravians and Quakers so much talk of, is a rule of the devil's inventing, to supersede the written word. I dragged myself to about a thousand wild people, and cried," O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thy help." Never have I seen greater attention in any at their first hearing. We rode on to Shields. I went to church, and the people flocked in crowds after me. The Minister could not be heard in reading prayers; but I heard him loud enough afterwards, calling for the Churchwardens to quiet the disturbance, which none but himself raised. I fancy he thought I should preach there, like some of the first Quakers. The Clerk came to me, bawling out, it was consecrated ground, and I had no business to preach on it; was no Minister, &c. When he had cried himself out of breath, I whispered him in the ear, that I had no intention to preach there; and he stumbled upon a good saying, "Sir, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, speak it to them without." I did so, at my leisure, an huge multitude waiting in the church-yard; many of them very fierce, and threatening— to drown me, and what not. I walked quietly through the midst of theIn, and discoursed in strong awakening words on the jailer's question," What must I do to be saved?" The Churchwardens and others laboured in vain to interrupt, by throwing dirt, nay, and money, among the people. Having delivered my message, I rode to the ferry: crossed, and met as rough friends on the other side. The mob of North-Shields waited to salute me, with the Minister at their head. He had got a man with an horn, instead of a trumpet, and bade him blow, and his companions shout. Others were almost as violent in their approbation. We went through honour and dishonour; (but neither of them hurt us ;) and by six, with God's blessing, came safe to Newcastle. Sat., June 18th. A woman told me she had received a great measure of the love of God in her heart, and thought it forgiveness. I thought so too, especially as it was in immediate answer to our prayer. Upon my warning her against pride, she very innocently told me, "She was never proud in all her life." Now what madness to tell this soul, so utterly ignorant of herself, that she is justified! She may be so, for what I know; but for me positively to determine it, would be the way, I think, to stop the work in its beginning. Several have come with the same report since I have been here. I neither receive nor reject their saying, but require their fruits, and bid them go on. Sun., June 19th. I asked the multitudes in the square, "Will ye also go away," &c. The word prospered in the thing whereunto it was sent, namely, the bringing back the wanderers. We concluded the day with our first love-feast. Jesus was with his disciples. I took my leave in those words, "What ye have already, hold fast till I come." It was a hard parting with the Society. Their hearts were all as melting wax; and will, I trust, retain the impression then made by every word spoken. Some cited aloud; others knelt down for my blessing; most laid hold on me as I passed; all wept and made lamentation. I preached at Swalwell. Never were people better disposed, or more eager of instruction. And their love was such, that they would, if possible, pluck out their eyes and give them me. Tues., June 21st. I set out between three and four; met by several parties of the Society, who had walked before some miles to watch my passing. I travelled but slowly through them, blessing and being blest. I rode to Sand-Hutton. The poor people filled the house where I was. I showed them the way of salvation in the creditor and two debtors. They returned me many thanks. Wed., June 22d. I set out at three; was met and turned back, when I had gone a mile out of my way. I thought, How could this loss be repaired ? and immediately it was suggested that I should pray, till I got into the right road. The Spirit helped my infirmity; and I continued instant in prayer for some hours; believing that I shall, after all, escape safe to land. I prayed on, till at ten a sailor overtook me. I set upon him; and he rejoiced in my welcome saying. God found me more work at Selby. I dined in a mixed company, where one asked me if there was any good in confirmation. I answered, "No, nor in baptism, nor in the Lord's supper, or any outward thing, unless you are in Christ a new creature." I confounded all my hearers by relating my own experience under the law. I left them some books, and went on my way rejoicing. Still the Spirit was upon me, and I felt stronger faith for myself than I ever did before. By six I came to Epworth, my native place. All who met saluted me with hearty joy. At eight I preached, in Edward Smith's yard, "He that spared not his own Son," &c. Many were present, and much affected. I laid me down in peace, after one of the happiest days I have ever known. Thur., June 23d. Waking, I found the Lord with me, even my strong helper, the God of whom cometh salvation. I preached on," Ask, and it shall be given you; seek," &c.: guarded some new converts against spiritual pride, that only hinderance to the work of God. I warned another against the poor sinners. One of them (Parker) had frankly told her, he did not understand what we meant by talking of holiness after forgiveness; that he has all he can have, and looks for no more. I visited Mrs. Bernard, a widow, in affliction, whose husband is just dead suddenly; yet called at the eleventh hour. I went thence to Mr. Maw's, who received me gladly; being again stirred up, and resolved to seek till he finds. I passed the afternoon with our brethren from Grimsby in mutual encouragement. At seven I went out into the streets to call those that were bidden, and cried from the cross, "Come, for all things are now ready." The Minister heard me at a distance. I provoked the Society to love and good works; warned them, without intending it, against those that seduce them; and insisted with all earnestness on my constant counsel, that none of them should leave the ship till all came safe to land. Fri., June 24th. I met them again at three, and parted with the blessing and peace of God. I rode to Nottingham with the best company that earth or heaven could furnish. I found my brother in the marketplace, calling lost sinners to Him that justifieth the ungodly. He gave notice of my preaching in the evening. From him I had the first account of our brethren's persecution at Wednesbury. Their unhappy Minister was the contriver of all. The Lord opened my mouth at seven. Many thousands attended in deep silence. Surely the Lord hath much people in this place. We began a Society of nine members. Sat., June 25th. I came to Birmingham with the night. Sun., June 26th. Several of our persecuted brethren from Wednesbury came to me, whom I endeavoured to comfort. I preached at eight and one, no man forbidding me. After evening service, I expounded the prodigal son to several thousands, many of whom, I observed, by their tears, were pricked at the heart, and ready to say, "I will arise, and will go to my Father." In the name of the Lord Jesus I began our Society. The number at present is thirteen. Mon., June 27th. I left our brother Jones to look after the little flock, and set out for London. By six in the evening I came safe to Oxford. The Society is in a flourishing condition, chiefly by means of a discreet sister from London. I met poor, languid, dead Mr. Robson. I have trusted in this child of man: therefore is he to me as waters that fail. Tues. night, June 28th. I slept at the Foundery. Thur., June 30th. I buried our sister Soan. A mother in Israel she was; but she is a saint in paradise. We found the blessing which she has left behind. Sun., July 3d. Mr. Hall, poor Moravianized Mr. Hall, met us at the chapel. I did him honour before the people. I expounded the Gospel as usual; and strongly avowed my inviolable attachment to the Church of England. Mr. Meriton and Graves assisted me at the sacrament. It was our women's love-feast; but I turned it into mourning, by setting before them the things some of them had done, and spoken in a lying spirit against their Ministers. I challenged them, "Which of you convinceth us of sin?" and showed at large their ingratitude to God and man. Great lamentation was among them. The stumbling-block will, I trust, be soon entirely removed. Mon., July 4th. On our thanksgiving-day, we received power to wrestle with God for a blessing on all the church, and especially our persecuted brethren. Wed., July 6th. I showed, from Rom. v., the marks of justification, and overturned the confidence of several. I strongly warned them against seducers; found my heart knit to this people. Fri., July 8th. John Bray came to persuade me not to preach, till the Bishops should bid me. They have not yet forbid me; but, by the grace of God, I shall preach the word in season, out of season, though they and all men forbade me. Sat., July 9th. I read my testimony to the Society; (the letter in verse, "My more than friend, accept the warning lay," &c.;) cautioned them against Mr. Hall, and rejoiced that I had confidence of them in all things. Sun., July 10th. At our chapel, the galleries were filled with strangers. Many are daily added to the church. I preached once more at the Foundery, and earnestly exhorted the Society to continue in the faith. Mon., July 11th. I set out at two, in hard rain, which lasted all day. Yet I reached Hungerford by night, and Bristol the next day. Both my preaching and exhortation was to convince them of unbelief. I left them examining themselves whether they be in the faith. Wed., July 13th. A brother accompanied me to Exeter, and twenty miles farther. Fri., July 15th. I set out alone, and, by wandering, made it threescore miles to Bodmin. Both horse and rider were worked down, so that I slept till five next morning, without once waking. It cost me four hours to reach Mitchel. My colic made them seem four days. When I came in, I could not stand. I lay down, and rose with fresh strength, which carried me to Redruth. I left it at four, and wandered toward St. Ives. I passed the river Hale just before the sea came in. Two tinners met me first, and wished me good luck in the name of the Lord. My next greeting was from the devil's children; who shouted as I passed, and pursued me like the men out of the tombs. I met T. W., and then Mr. Shepherd, and rejoiced in the Lord our strength and our Redeemer. Between seven and eight I entered St. Ives. The boys and others continued their rough salutes, for some time, at brother Nance's; but I was too weary to regard them. Sun., July 17th. I rose, and forgot I had travelled from Newcastle. I spoke with some of this loving, simple people, who are as sheep in the midst of wolves. The Priests stir up the people, and make their minds evil affected toward the brethren. Yet the sons of violence are much checked by the Maker, an honest Presbyterian, whom the Lord hath raised up. I preached in the room at eight, on," Thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall," &e. I found his presence sensibly among us; so did the opposers themselves. I heard the Rector preach from Matt. v. 20: "Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees," &c. His application was downright railing at the new sect, as he calls us, those enemies to the Church, seducers, troublers, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, &c. I had prayed for a quiet heart, and a steady countenance; and my prayer was answered. My calmness was succeeded with strong consolation. I rode to Wednook, with almost all the brethren. Mr. Hoblin, the Curate, entertained us with a curious discourse on, "Beware of false Prophets." I stood up over against him, within two yards of the pulpit, and heard such a hodge-podge of railing, foolish lies, as Satan himself might have been ashamed of. I had asked that my countenance might not alter, and was kept in perfect peace. The poor people behaved very decently; and all followed me to hear the true word of God. I stayed, and mildly told the Preacher he had been misinformed. No, he answered, it was all truth. "Sir," said I, "if you believe what you preach, you believe a lie." "You are a liar," he replied; and I put him in mind of the great day, testified my good-will, and left him for the congregation. God opened a door of utterance to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus. I know they found the difference between the chaff and the wheat. I returned to St. Ives, and met the Society. The enemies of the Lord melt away like wax; more and more being convinced that we speak as the oracles of God. Mon., July 18th. I went forth toward the market-house. When we came to the place of battle, the enemy was ready set in array against us. I began the hundredth Psalm, and they beating their drum, and shouting. I stood still and silent for some time, finding they would not receive my testimony: then offered to speak to some of the most violent; but they stopped their ears, and ran upon me, crying, I should not preach there, and catching at me to pull me down. They had no power to touch me. My soul was calm and fearless. I shook off the dust of my feet and walked leisurely through the thickest of them, who followed like ramping and roaring lions: but their mouth was shut. I met the Mayor, who saluted us, and threatened the rioters. I rejoiced at my lodgings in our Almighty Jesus. I preached at three on Cannegy-downs, to near a thousand tinners, who received the seed into honest and good hearts. While I pointed them to the Lamb of God, many wept; and particularly the captain-general of the tinners, a man famous in his generation for acts of valour and violence, and his usual challenge to fight any six men with his club. He is known through the west by the title of "the destroyer." This leopard will soon, I trust, lie down with the lamb. I expounded blind Bartimeus at St. Ives. The power of the Lord overshadowed us; so that many of the opposers trembled, and some wept. Tues., July 19th. From, "Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength," I showed that the two inseparable marks of justification are peace, and power over all sin. I preached at Pool, in the heart of the tinners. A drunkard got within two or three yards, designing, I suppose, to push me down the hill. I was forced to break off my prayer, and warn him to take care of himself. He attempted to lay hold on me; upon which a tinner cried, "Down with him!" In a moment the Philistines were upon him. I strove to rescue him, and besought them not to hurt him; otherwise I should go away, and not preach at all. They were entreated for him, and, taking him by the legs and arms, quietly handed him down from one to another, till they had put him without the congregation; and he was heard no more. I published the faithful, acceptable saying, and their hearts Seemed all bowed and opened to receive it. God, I nothing doubt, Will call these a people who were not a people. Our prayers for the opposers also begin to be answered; for the fiercest of them came in this evening to the room, and behaved with great decency. Wed., July 20th. I spake with more of the Society; most of whom have the first knowledge of salvation, as their lives show. A. G. tells me that faith (as he thinks) came by hearing yesterday morning. He has been a sinner, above other sinners, till, within tiffs fortnight, God called, and made him equal with those who have horne the heat and burden of the day. I went to church, and heard that terrible chapter, Jeremiah vii.; enough, one would think, to make even this hardened people tremble. Never were words more applicable than those: "Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear ye the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah, that enter into these gates to worship the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place. Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord. the temple of the Lord, are these! Behold, ye trust in lying words that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, commit adultery, and swear falsely, and come and stand before me in this' place," &c. The Second Lesson, John viii., was as remarkable, showing the servants' treatment in that of the Master. I preached at Zunnor, one of Mr. Symond's four parishes, which is come in, to a man, at the joyful news. Some hundreds of the poor people, with sincerity in their faces, received my saying, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand; repent ye, and believe the Gospel." I began at eight expounding the good Samaritan, but could not proceed for pity to the poor mockers. Many of them were present; but their mocking was over. I urged, and besought, and with tears even compelled, them to come in. The Spirit made intercession for them, that God might grant them repentance unto life. Fri., July 22d. I rode in the rain to Morva, a settlement of tinners; to whom I could preach nothing but Gospel. I had just named my text at St. Ives, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God," when an army of rebels broke in upon us, like those at Sheffield or Wednesbury. They began in a most outrageous manner, threatening to murder the people, if they did not go out that moment. They broke the sconces, dashed the windows in pieces, tore away the shutters, benches, poor-box, and all but the stone-walls. I stood silently looking on; but mine eyes were unto the Lord. They swore bitterly I should not preach there again; which I disproved, by immediately telling them Christ died for them all. Several times they lifted up their hands and clubs to strike me; but a stronger arm restrained them. They beat and dragged the women about, particularly one of a great age, and trampled on them without mercy. The longer they stayed, and the more they raged, the more power I found from above. I bade the people stand still and see the salvation of God; resolving to continue with them, and see the end. In about an hour the word came, "Hitherto shalt thou come, and no farther." The ruffians fell to quarrelling among themselves, broke the Town-Clerk's (their captain's) head, and drove one another out of the room. Having kept the field, we gave thanks for the victory; and in prayer the Spirit of glory rested upon us. Going home, we met the Mayor, with another Justice, and went back to show him the havoc which the gentlemen and their mob had made. He commended our people as the most quiet, inoffensive subjects, encouraged us to sue for justice, said he was no more secure from such lawless violence than we, wished us success, and left us rejoicing in our strong Helper. Sat., July 28d. I cannot find one of this people who fears those that can kill the body only. It was next to a miracle, that no more mischief was done last night. The gentlemen had resolved to destroy all within doors. They came upon us like roaring lions, headed by the Mayor's son. He struck out the candles with his cane, and began courageously beating the women. I laid my hand upon him, and said, "Sir, you appear like a gentleman: I desire you would show it, by restraining these of the baser sort. Let them strike the men, or me, if they please, but not hurt poor helpless women and children." He was turned into a friend immediately, and laboured the whole time to quiet his associates. Some, not of the Society, were likewise provoked to stand up for us, and put themselves between: others held the ruffians, and made use of an arm of flesh. Some of our bitterest enemies were brought over by the meekness of the sufferers, and malice of the persecutors. They had sworn to drive us all out, and then take possession of our house; but their commission did not go so far. One was overheard saying to his companions, as they were going off, "I think the desk was insured: we could not touch it, or come near it." I proved the devil a liar, by preaching in the room at five. The words I first met were Isai. liv.: "For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left. Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame. Behold, I have created the smith, and the waster to destroy. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper," &c. I preached at Gwennap to near two thousand hungry souls, who devoured the word of reconciliation. Half my audience were finnera from about Redruth, which, I hear, is taken. God has given us their hearts. If any man speak against us, say they, he deserves to be stoned. Again I expounded in the room at St. Ives, and advised the Society to possess their souls in patience, not threatening, or even mentioning the late uproar, but suffering all things for the sake of Jesus Christ. Sun., July 24th. At Wednock many listened to my description of our Lord's sufferings from Isai. liii. After evening service I would have finished my discourse; but the Minister's mob fell upon us, threatening and striking all they came near. They swore horribly they would be revenged on us, for our malcinp suck a disturbance on the Sabbath-day, our taking the people from the church, and doing so much mischief continually. They assaulted us with sticks and stones, and endeavoured to pull me down. I bade them strike me, and spare the people. Many lifted up their hands and weapons, but were not permitted to touch me. My time is not yet come. We were now encompassed with an host of men, bent on mischief, with no visible way of escape; but the Lord hath many ways. He touched the heart of one of our persecutors, who came up to me, took me by the hand, and besought me to depart in peace, assuring me he would preserve me from all violence. Another gentleman said the same. I thanked and told them I had an unseen Protector; but as I saw there was no door, I should not attempt preaching at this season. I stayed some time to make my observation. Ten cowardly ruffians I saw upon one unarmed man, beating him with their clubs, till they felled him to the ground. Another escaped by the swiftness of his horse. My convoy they set upon for dissuading them, and forced him to fly for his life. I walked on slowly with all the rabble behind. One of the brethren attended me. The Lord hid us in the hollow of his hand: the pillar came between the Egyptians and us. About six we rested at brother Nance's. The enemy still pursued. I went out and looked them in the face, and they pulled off their hats, and slunk away. The right hand of the Lord hath the pro-eminence; and therewith hath he got himself the victory. The Society came. Our hearts danced for joy, and in our song did we praise him. We all longed for his last glorious appearing, and with an eye of faith saw the Son of man, as coming in the clouds of heaven, to confess us before his Father and the holy angels. Mon., July 25th. The Mayor told us, that the Ministers were the principal authors of all this evil, by continually representing us in their sermons as Popish emissaries, and urging the enraged multitude to take all manner of ways to stop us. Their whole preaching is cursing and lies: yet they modestly say, my fellow-labourer and I are the cause of all the disturbance. It is always the lamb that troubles the water. Yesterday we were stoned as Popish incendiaries; to-day, it is our turn to have favour with the people. I preached on Cannegy-downs to a multitude of simple-hearted tinners: "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?" They received the word with all gladness and gratitude; wondered at the St. Ives people, that could endeavour to hurt us for telling them such blessed truths. At St. Ives I had warning of an approaching trial, and was led to pray that the fierceness of men might be at this time restrained. I had scarce begun at the room, when news was brought that all the gentlemen were coming to pull it down. We looked for them every moment. About half a dozen came first, and threw eggs in at the windows. Others cast great stones to break what remained of the shutters. Others struck the women, and swore they would have the house down. I prayed, and dismissed our people. J. Nance was gone to the Mayor. I followed to stop him, and met the Mayor at the head of his posse. At first hearing of the tumult, he had started up, charged all he met to assist him, and was coming to the room, when I desired him to save himself the trouble of a walk in the rain. He behaved with great civility and resolution, declaring before all, that none should hurt us. This disappointed and scattered our adversaries; and I met the Society without molestation. Glory be to God, that we are once more delivered out of the mouth of these lions. They were sure of accomplishing their design this night; but the Lord beheld their threatenings, and stilled the raging of the sea, the noise of its waves, and the madness of the people. Tues., July 26th. I showed my brethren their calling, from Matt. x. 22: "Ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved." At the Pool one stopped and demanded my letters of orders. I marvelled at Mr. Churchwardefts ignorance, gave him my Oxford sermon, and rode on. He followed me with another gentleman, and vowed I should not preach in his parish. When I began he shouted, and hallooed, and put his hat to my mouth. We went to another place: he followed us like Shimei. I told him, I should surely deliver my message, unless his master was stronger than mine. After much contention I walked away, with near two thousand people, most part tinners, to the next parish, as my wise Churchwarden supposed. He followed us another mile, and a warm walk he had of it; but left us on the borders of the neighbouring parish. However, to take my leave of it, I preached in what he called his. In spite of Satan, the poor had the Gospel preached to them, and heard it joyfully. Great was their zeal and affection toward me. I marvel not that Satan should fight for his kingdom: it begins to shake in this place. All was quiet at St. Ives, the Mayor having declared his resolution to swear twenty new Constables, and suppress the rioters by force of arms. Their drum he has sent and seized. All the time I was preaching, he stood at a little distance, to awe the rebels. He has set the whole town against him, by not giving us up to their fury: but he plainly told Mr. Hoblin, the fire-and-faggot Minister, that he would not be perjured, to gratify any man's malice. Us he informed, that he had often heard Mr. Hoblin say, "They ought to drive us away by blows, not arguments." Wed., July 27th. We could say from our hearts in the morning Psalms," If the Lord himself had not been on our side, when men rose up against us, they had swallowed us up quick, when they were so wrathfully displeased at us. But, praised be the Lord, who hath not given us over for a prey into their teeth, our soul is escaped," &c. The words also of the lesson gave us great comfort; but we wondered Mr. Symond could read them: "If the world hate you, ye know it hated me before it hated you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord: if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you," &c. Thur., July 28th. I dined at our brother Mitchel's, a confessor of the faith which once he persecuted. I rode on to St. Hilary Downs. Here the careless hearers were kept away by the enemy's threatenings; but near a thousand well-disposed tinners listened to the joyful tidings: "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," &c. That word of grace, "Thine iniquity is pardoned," quite melted them down into tears, on all sides. I began explaining the beatitudes at St. Ives. None interrupted. I do not despair but some of our persecutors themselves may yet, before we depart, receive that damnable Popish doctrine, as Mr. Hoblin calls it, of justification by faith only. Fri., July 29th. I rode to Morva, and invited the whole nation of tinners to Christ. I took the names of several who were desirous of joining in a Society. The adversaries have laboured with all their might to hinder this good work: but we doubt not our seeing a glorious church in this place. Sat., July 30th. I believed a door would be opened this day, and, in the strength of the Lord, set out for St. Just, a town of tinners, four miles from Morva, twelve from St. Ives. My text was, "The poor have the Gospel preached unto them." I showed, the sum thereof is, "Thine iniquity is pardoned: God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven thee." The hearts of thousands seemed moved as the trees of the forest, by that wind which bloweth as it listeth. The door stood wide open, and a multitude are just entering in. Here it is that I extact the largest harvest. We rode four miles farther, to Zunning, and took up our lodging at an hospitable farmer's. I walked with our brother Shepherd to the Land's-end, and sang, on the extremest point of the rocks, "Comes Divine Immanuel, come, Take possession of thy home; Now thy mercy's wings expand, Stretch throughout the happy land. "Carry on thy victory, Spread thy rule from sea to sea; Re-convert the ransom'd race; Save us, save us, Lord, by grace. "Take the purchase of thy bloods Bring us to a pardoning God; Give us eyes to see our day, Hearts the glorious truth to' obeys "Ears to hear the Gospel sound, 'Grace doth more than sin abound;' God appeased, and man forgiven, Peace on earth, and joy in heaven. "O that every soul might be Suddenly subdued to thee! O that all in thee might know Everlasting life below! "Now thy merey's wings expand, Stretch throughout the happy land, Take possession of thy home, Come, Divine Immanuel, come." I rode back to St. Just, and went from the evening service to a plain by the town, made for field-preaching. I stood on a green bank, and cried, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way," &c. About two thousand, mostly tinners, attended, no one offering to stir, or move an hand or tongue. The fields are white unto harvest: Lord, send forth labourers! I returned to our host at Zunning. He is just entering the kingdom with the harlots and publleans. I went early to bed, having lost most of my senses through the constant fog, in which we have laboured to breathe this fortnight past. Mon., August 1st. I saw a strange sight, the sun shining in Cornwall. I expounded at nine the song of Simeon. Several very aged people were present, whom I left waiting for the consolation of Israel. I took my leave of Cannegy-downs, in, "The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk," &e.; and returned to St. Ives in peace. I showed the blessedness of persecution; then exhorted the Society to pray without ceasing for humility, the grace which draws all others after it. Tues., August 2d. I carried my tinners from the Pool to the next parish. It was a glorious sight, the widespread multitude walking up the hill, eager for the word of life, hungry and thirsty after righteousness. I met with that, in St. Matthew, "A certain man had two sons," &c. These publicans know the time of their visitation, and bring forth fruit meet for repentance. An elderly man pressed us to turn into his house, near Camborne. It was a large old country seat, and looked like the picture of English hospitality. When he could not prevail on us to stay longer, he would ride two or three miles on our way with us, and listened all the while to the word of reconciliation. Wed., August 3d. I took my leave of the dear people of Zunnor, in our Lord's words, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." With many tears they besought us to come again, and evidently showed that our labour has not been in vain in the Lord. Fri., August 5th. I preached my farewell sermon to our sorrowful brethren in Morva. Many from St. Just increased the lamentation. I shall think it long till I see them again; but my comfort is, that I leave them following hard after God. We took our leave of the friendly Mayor, whom we acknowledged, under God, our deliverer from the hands of unrighteous and cruel men. He expressed the same affection for us as from the beginning; listened to our report, for which our Lord gave us a fair opportunity; ordered his servant to light us home; in a word, received and sent away the messengers in peace. Sat., August 6th. I rode to Gwennap, and with many words exhorted them to save themselves from this untoward generation. They were exceedingly moved, and very urgent with me to know when I should return; when my brother or any other would come. Surely they are a people ready prepared for the Lord. I began at St. Ives, before the usual time, "And now, brethren, I commend you to God," &c. I had no thought of the rioters, though the Mayor had informed us, they were so impudent as to tell him to his face they would have a parting blow at us. As soon as we were met in the Society at brother Nance's, they came to the room, ready to pull it down. The drunken Town-Clerk led his drunken army to our lodgings; but an invisible power held them from breaking in, or hurting our brother Nance, who went out to them, and stood in the midst, till our King scattered the evil with his eyes, and turned them back by the way that they came. The great power of God was, meantime, among us, overturning all before it, and melting our hearts into contrite, joyful love. Sun., August 7th. At four I took my leave of the Society, with that apostolical prayer: "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly," &c. Great grace was upon them all. Their prayers and tears of love I shall never forget. I nothing doubt, if I follow their faith, that I shall meet them in the new Jerusalem. At six we left the lions' den, with about twenty horse. Some would have us take a back-way; but I would not go forth with haste, or by flight, and therefore rode slowly through the largest street, in the face of our enemies. At eight I preached faith in Christ to many listening souls, in Velling-Varine: they received the word with surprising readiness. Their tears, and hearty expressions of love, convince me there is a work begun in their hearts. I rode on rejoicing to Gwennap. As soon as I went forth, I saw the end of my coming to Cornwall, and of Satan's opposition. Such a company assembled, as I have not seen, excepting some few times at Kennington. By their looks I perceived they all heard, while I lifted up my voice like a trumpet, and testified, "God sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world." The convincing Spirit was in the midst, as I have seldom, if ever, known. Most of the gentry from Redruth were just before me, and so hemmed in, that they could not escape. For an hour my voice was heard by all, and reached farther than their outward ears. I am inclined to think that most present were convinced of righteousness or of sin. God hath now set before us an open door, and who shall be able to shut it? At four we rode on to Mitchel; my brother having summoned me to London, to confer with the heads of the Moravians and predestinarians. We had near three hundred miles to ride in five days. I was willing to undertake this labour for peace, though the journey was too great for us and our weary beasts, which we have used almost every day for these three months. Mon., August 8th. I took horse with brother Shepherd at four, and rode as far as Oakhampton. Tues., August 9th. I breakfasted twelve miles short of Exeter, at an house where the maid and landlady's daughter were convinced, by a few words spoken, that they were lost unbelievers. At Exeter I met F. Farley. I called to about a thousand sinners, mostly gentlemen and ladies, with some Clergy, "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." God gave me favour in their eyes, although I did not prophesy smooth things. I found, as soon as I began to speak, that the fear of the Lord was upon them. Many followed me to my inn, to take their leave, and wished me good luck in the name of the Lord. I left one behind to keep up the awakening, and pursued my journey alone to London. Wed., August 10th. I missed my way, and thereby met, at Bridport, a poor creature, ready for the Gospel. It was glad news indeed to her. When I said, "God sent me to you," she cried, "And did he, indeed?" and fell a trembling and weeping. We prayed together; and she seemed not far from the kingdom of God. She innocently asked me what church she should be of. I showed her the excellency of our own; and got to Blanford by night. Thur., August 11th. My landlord was greatly moved by my discourse, and owned he had never seen a Christian in his life. I trust he will obey the call at his eleventh hour. From ten to two I got with my sister Hall in Salisbury. She stands alone. Every soul of his [her husband's] Society has forsaken the ordinances of God; for which reason she refuses to belong to it. I gathered up a few more scattered sheep, between this and London; not one of whom had ever before in their lives been spoken to by any man concerning their souls. God's people perish for lack of knowledge. How can any one be so devilish as to forbid our speaking to such outcasts, that they may be saved? Fri., August 12th. By nine at night I hardly reached the Foundery. Here I heard the Moravians would not be present at the conference. Spangenberg, indeed, said he would, but immediately left England. My brother was come from Newcastle, John Nelson from Yorkshire, and I from the Land's-end, to good purpose. Sun., August 14th. At the chapel I expounded the Pharisee and Publican. The two-edged sword slew some, I am persuaded. Mr. Garden helped to administer the sacrament. Sat., August 20th. I preached for the first time at the new chapel in Snowsfields. Sun., August 21st. My brother set out for Cornwall. I received supernatural strength to expound, after a restless night of pain. Tues., August 28d. The Spirit sealed those words on our hearts, while I expounded at Deptford, "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come." I rode to Bexley, and found my friend on a sick-bed, but full of peace and comfort. Wed., August 24th. While I was exhorting them at the Foundery to constant prayer, several bore witness of the great benefit they had found therein, since our last meeting. Thur., August 25th. I was sent for to Mr. Piers, who lay a-dying in convulsions. I prayed for him first with a friend, who said, "If he is not dead already, he will not die now." I got to Bexley by three. My brother had recovered his senses about the time we were praying for him. I was much comforted by his calm resignation; and in prayer saw, as it were, heaven opened, having seldom had greater freedom of access. I hastened back to the Foundery, and preached without any natural strength. One testified his then receiving forgiveness. Fri., August 26th. I met Mr. Robson, who is now quite removed from the hope of the Gospel; denying both justification and sanctification. The Lord answered for himself at the chapel, while I spake on the threefold office of the Spirit. His power overshadowed the Society also, and applied my exhortation to many hearts. Sat., August 27th. I found the blessedness of mourning with them that mourn, even the penitents, whom we met this evening at the Foundery. Sun., August 28th. At the chapel I discoursed on the good Samaritan; and we felt his oil and wine poured in. To many more he was made known in the breaking of bread. Honest Howel Harris was partaker of our joy. At the Foundery I preached Christ, our Prophet, Priest, and King, in his own words, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me," &c. Strong words of consolation were given me now, and at the following love-feast. May 17 - August 28, 1743
Charles Wesley,
The Journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley
Hutchinson & Co.,
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