Marriage Statistics

The Registration District-level marriage statistics in 'mar_reg' were built up using tables each covering a complete decade which appeared in the Decennial Supplements of the Registrar General for the 1840s, 1850s and 1860s, plus data for individual years taken from later Annual Reports of the Registrar. The transcriptions covering the three decades have been preserved in separate tables.

For an analysis based on these data, see H.R. Southall and D.M. Gilbert, 'A Good Time to Wed: marriage and economic distress in England and Wales, 1839-1914', Economic History Review, XLIX (1996), pp.36-58.

N.B. This table contains data on numbers of marriages, i.e. counts of events. Census statistics on marital status are held elsewhere in the database.

. No work has been done to match the units to the AUO.

Tables within section:

mar_ew_1841_1914 Raw Data Annual counts of marriages by County and Registration District, 1841-1914.
mar_ew_d1840s Raw Data Registration District Marriage Statistics 1841-50.
mar_ew_d1850s Raw Data Registration District Marriage Statistics 1851-60.
mar_ew_d1860s Raw Data Registration District Marriage Statistics for the decade 1861-70.