Detailed occupation information for Scottish cities, counties and burghs for 1951.

Table ID:
OCC_1951_S     (1252042)
Detailed occupation information for Scottish cities, counties and burghs for 1951.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1951.


  1. These data were transcribed from Table 6 'Occupations and Industrial Status of Males and Females in Central Clydeside Conurbation, Cities, Counties and Large Burghs' pp, 186-312 in Census of Scotland 1951, volume IV, 'Occupations and Industries'.
  2. This table was transcribed by Rachel Granville in Portsmouth in Spring 2002.
  3. The National Totals were transcribed by Harold Price in Portsmouth in March 2017.


  1. The table contains data for the following area types, all of which have been matched to the AUO. These are the exact same units as appear in the ind_1951_s table, except that this transcription does not include the national totals:
    • County (33 areas): These data include the Burghs which are in the table4, but exclude data for the Cities.
    • City (4 areas): Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
    • Burgh (20 areas): NB these are only the Large Burghs, while other Scotland 1951 tables cover 190 Burghs.
  2. The first ten rows for each area list numbers in the following occupational statuses:
    1. TOT_O15: Total Population aged 15 and over.
    3. RETIRED: These are not included within the counts of the Occupied (Orders 1-28) but area aggregated in Order 28.
    6. MANAGER
    8. WAGED
    10. UNEMPL: These are included within the counts of the Occupied.


  1. The population aged 15 and over was checked against the sum of those "occupied and those retired".
  2. The sum of "Employers", "Employees", "Self-employed" and "Unemployed" was checked against the total occupied.
  3. The sum of the employees was checked against combined sum of the salaried and the waged.
  4. The sum of the 28 level 1 categories was checked against the total aged over 15.
  5. Wherever possible the sum of the components of each Level 1 category was checked against the reported total. Unfortunately, many categories only had some of their components listed and we could only check that the total of those listed was equal to the reported total.
  6. The above check sums identified the following inconsistencies in the original table:
    • Dunfirmline burgh, Fife (M) category 9,4 total given as 15, sum of parts is 35.
    • Motherwell burgh, Lanark (M) category 5 total given as 51, sum of parts equals 41.
    • Paisley burgh, Refrew (F) category 6,1 given as 0, sum of parts is 1.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
occ_1951_s_idx Unique sco_cnty, area_name, area_type, row_id, occup

Columns within table:

area_name Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the unit the data relates to.
area_type Text string (max.len.=10). Type of area; see note above.
sco_cnty Text string (max.len.=34). Name of county in which the unit is situated.
row_id Floating point number. Numeric field identifying and placing in order the different rows of information for each reporting unit; for example, "Boiler firemen and stokers" (category 915, order XXV) will always have row_id=676. This row id series is different from that in the England and Wales table
lev_1 Floating point number. Level 1 occupational category, given in roman numerals in the original report. This column is not-null for all rows apart from the initial 'occupational status' data.
lev_2 Floating point number. Level 2 occupational category. This does not appear for all level 1 categories, while some categories are further sub-divided (see note above).
lev_3 Text string (max.len.=24). Level 3 (lowest) occupational category. This is usually a three-digit number, but it is sometimes a sequence of such numbers linked by commas and dashes.
soc_class Text string (max.len.=8). Given in roman numerals these show the divisions of class to which persons employed in the specified occupation would belong. For further explanation see table soc_1951
occup Text string (max.len.=90). Name of the occupational category. NB this may be the name of a level 1, 2 or 3 category, or an occupational status. In most cases, it is simply whatever text appears next to the row of numbers.
males Floating point number. Number of males in category.
females Floating point number. Number of females in category.
notes bpchar Notes.
g_unit Integer number. Identified for reporting area, as defined in GBH AUO.